Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'ParentPrefix'); /** @var kCatDBItem $main_object */ $main_object = $this->Application->recallObject($parent_prefix); if ($main_object->isLoaded()) { $main_object->RegisterHit(); } return $this->PrintList2($params); } /** * Returns link to post author public profile * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function ProfileLink($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); $params['user_id'] = $object->GetDBField('CreatedById'); return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params); } function PosterField($params) { static $posters = null; /** @var kDBItem $object */ $object = $this->getObject($params); /** @var UsersItem $poster */ $poster = $this->Application->recallObject('u.poster', null, Array('skip_autoload' => true)); if ( !isset($posters) ) { $poster_ids = array_unique( $object->GetCol('CreatedById') ); $sql = $poster->GetSelectSQL() . ' WHERE ' . $poster->TableName . '.' . $poster->IDField . ' IN (' . implode(',', $poster_ids) . ')'; $posters = $this->Conn->Query($sql, $poster->IDField); } $poster_id = $object->GetDBField('CreatedById'); if ($poster_id <= 0) { // guest and root users return ''; } if ($poster->GetID() != $poster_id) { // previous poster differs from requested $poster->LoadFromHash( $posters[$poster_id] ); } return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('u.poster', 'Field', $params); } /** * Checks if post is made by real user (not Guest or root) * * @param Array $params * @return bool */ function PosterFound($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); return $object->GetDBField('CreatedById') > 0; } /** * Posts count created by current poster * * @param Array $params * @return int */ function PosterPostsCount($params) { static $posts_count = null; $object = $this->getObject($params); if (!isset($posts_count)) { $poster_ids = array_unique($object->GetCol('CreatedById')); $sql = 'SELECT VariableValue, PortalUserId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserPersistentSessionData WHERE PortalUserId IN ('.implode(',', $poster_ids).') AND VariableName = "bb_posts"'; $posts_count = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'PortalUserId'); } return $posts_count[$object->GetDBField('CreatedById')]; } function PostSubject($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /** @var PostHelper $post_helper */ $post_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('PostHelper'); return $post_helper->CensorText( $object->GetDBField('Subject') ); } function PostBody($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /** @var PostHelper $post_helper */ $post_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('PostHelper'); $body = $object->GetDBField('PostingText'); // 2. parse post body $sub_blocks = Array ( 'smileys' => $params['smiley_render_as'], 'bbcode' => $params['bbcode_render_as'], 'quote' => $params['quote_render_as'], ); $body = $post_helper->parsePostBody($body, $object->GetDBField('Options'), $sub_blocks); return $body; } /** * Checks if poster signature needs to be shown together with post. * * @param array $params Tag params. * * @return boolean */ protected function ShowPostSignature(array $params) { static $show_signatures; if ( !isset($show_signatures) ) { if ( $this->Application->LoggedIn() ) { $show_signatures = $this->Application->RecallPersistentVar('bb_signatures'); } else { $show_signatures = false; } } if ( !$show_signatures ) { return false; } /** @var kDBItem $object */ $object = $this->getObject($params); /** @var PostHelper $post_helper */ $post_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('PostHelper'); // Show poster signature in this post. if ( $post_helper->GetPostOption('show_sig', $object->GetDBField('Options')) ) { // Don't show signature when it is empty. $signature = $this->getUserSignature($object->GetDBField('CreatedById')); return strlen(trim($signature)) ? true : false; } return false; } /** * Returns parsed poster (from current post) signature * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function PostSignature($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); /** @var PostHelper $post_helper */ $post_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('PostHelper'); $sub_blocks = Array ( 'smileys' => $params['smiley_render_as'], 'bbcode' => $params['bbcode_render_as'], ); $signature = $this->getUserSignature($object->GetDBField('CreatedById')); return $post_helper->parsePostBody($signature, $object->GetDBField('Options'), $sub_blocks); } /** * Returns user signature (cached for all viewed posts on page) * * @param int $user_id * @return string */ function getUserSignature($user_id) { static $user_signatures = null; $object = $this->getObject(); if (!isset($user_signatures)) { $poster_ids = array_unique($object->GetCol('CreatedById')); $sql = 'SELECT VariableValue, PortalUserId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'UserPersistentSessionData WHERE PortalUserId IN ('.implode(',', $poster_ids).') AND VariableName = "my_signature"'; $user_signatures = $this->Conn->GetCol($sql, 'PortalUserId'); } $poster_id = $object->GetDBField('CreatedById'); return isset($user_signatures[$poster_id]) ? $user_signatures[$poster_id] : ''; } /** * Creates link to individual post in topic * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function PostLink($params) { $params['pass'] = 'm,bb,bb-post'; return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params); } function ReplyQuotedLink($params) { $object = $this->getObject($params); $params['pass'] = 'm,bb'; $params['reply_to'] = $object->GetID(); return $this->Application->ProcessParsedTag('m', 'Link', $params); } /** * Checks if user have one of required permissions * * @param Array $params * @return bool */ function HasPermission($params) { static $category_path = null; if (!isset($category_path)) { // get topic category $parent_prefix = $this->Application->getUnitOption($this->Prefix, 'ParentPrefix'); $parent_item = $this->Application->recallObject($parent_prefix, null, Array ('raise_warnings' => 0)); $category_path = $parent_item->isLoaded() ? $parent_item->GetDBField('ParentPath') : $this->Application->GetVar('m_cat_id'); } /** @var kPermissionsHelper $perm_helper */ $perm_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('PermissionsHelper'); $params['raise_warnings'] = 0; /** @var kDBItem $object */ $object = $this->getObject($params); // 1. category restriction $params['cat_id'] = $category_path; // 2. owner restriction $is_owner = $object->GetDBField('CreatedById') == $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'); return $perm_helper->TagPermissionCheck($params, $is_owner); } function CategoryItemCount($params) { /** @var kCountHelper $count_helper */ $count_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper'); return $count_helper->CategoryItemCount('bb', $params, 'SUM(Posts)'); // - COUNT(TopicId) } function ItemCount($params) { /** @var kCountHelper $count_helper */ $count_helper = $this->Application->recallObject('CountHelper'); $today_only = isset($params['today']) && $params['today']; return $count_helper->ItemCount('bb', $today_only, 'SUM(Posts)'); // - COUNT(TopicId) } /** * Preserve main item id in subitem pagination url * * @param Array $params * @return string */ function PageLink($params) { /** @var kDBList $object */ $object = $this->getObject($params); $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo(); if ($parent_info['ParentId'] > 0) { $params['pass'] = 'm,'.$this->getPrefixSpecial().','.$parent_info['ParentPrefix']; } return parent::PageLink($params); } }