
This section lists all currencies supported by In-commerce in the current version. All currencies are listed by their ISO code (the same code that is used by all of the banks). While it is not possible to add currencies to this list for the administrator, it is the most complete list that was available to us at the time of the current release, and we are going to update it with each new release. At this time there are 177 currencies supported by In-commerce.
The administrator can modify the settings and parameters for each currency. In-commerce requires one primary currency to be enabled at all times, and there is no limitation to how many currencies can be enabled.
The primary currency is used for all calculations, and is assumed the currency of all prices entered through the Administrative Console. This applies, for example, to product price brackets, discount amounts, order totals, etc. When an order is placed in a different currency, In-commerce uses the exchange rate, specified in this section, to convert all of the amounts from the primary currency. By default, the primary currency in In-commerce is U.S. dollar.
The toolbar action icons are as follows: