
This tab displays all Backorders. A backorder is the order where at least one of the products was out of stock (or below the minimum stock threshold) at the time the order was placed. These orders could not be processed at the time they were placed, and are awaiting processing in the status of “backorder”.
Backorders can only be denied or processed. A backorder can be processed automatically or manually, depending on the configuration under General Settings section. If the automatic fulfillment is turned on, as soon as more inventory arrives for an item, the In-commerce system will automatically process backorders, starting with the oldest (by the date and time of the order placement). In the automatic mode, the administrator will not be able to process a backorder manually, because by the time he or she clicks on the Backorder section, all of the eligible items will be already processed. In the manual mode, the administrator has to select one or more backorders and process them. Only those orders, which are eligible (there is enough inventory) can be processed.
This section has the following action buttons in the toolbar: