Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. states are loaded by country on country change

2. don't display paypal button when paypal payment type is disabled

3. don't display credit card fields, when payment type in order (usually primary payment type) doesn't require credit card entry

4. order totals are updated on shipping type change

5. added 2nd payment-type based form (from order preview screen in "advanced" theme) that is submitted on successful order update via "Place Order"/"PayPal" button


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. adding "City" field to user registration page

2. made "Repeat Password" label in "inp_edit_passwords" block customizable

3. reload header after successful login instead of reloading whole page

4. raise "OnAfterLogin" jQuery event after Ajax-based login is made

5. FormManager was incorrectly detecting controls for date/time fields

6. "LogIn" button on "One Step Checkout" form just opens top login form because we can't nest HTML FORM tags

7. incomplete version of "One Step Checkout" page

8. FormManager was disabling "submit" buttons aross all page instead of current form only


  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. overall review block on product detail page

2. review printing block for product detail page

3. decimals in prices listed using separate HTML tag

4. start of integrating rating control

5. pagination integrated (see review list on product detail page)

6. fixed broken review start images

7. fixed "plashka" visible through ThickBox overlay div


  1. … 16 more files in changeset.

Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. refresh page after login/register

2. integration of login box in header


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. added php files for ajax-based real-time form field validation

2. integration of user registration form (tinybox replaced to thickbox, but still small centering problem)


  1. … 16 more files in changeset.