clsItem(); $this->adodbConnection = &GetADODBConnection(); $this->tablename=GetTablePrefix()."Posting"; $this->type=30; $this->BasePermission="TOPIC.REPLY"; $this->TagPrefix="posting"; $this->id_field = "PostingId"; $this->Locked = FALSE; if(isset($PostingId)) $this->LoadFromDatabase($PostingId); } function Delete() { $oldparent = $this->Get("PostingId"); $newparent = $this->Get("ReplyTo"); $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tablename." SET ReplyTo=$newparent WHERE ReplyTo=$oldparent"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); parent::Delete(); } function GetUserPosts($UserId) { global $Errors, $objUsers; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(PostingId) as pcount FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE CreatedById=$UserId"; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"","clsPosting","GetUserPosts"); return false; } $posts = $result->fields["pcount"]; return $posts; } function PostOption($name) { $OptionsMap = Array('show_sig'=>128,'disable_bbcode'=>64,'disable_smileys'=>32); if(!isset($OptionsMap[$name]))return false; $opt = $this->Get("Options"); return (($opt & $OptionsMap[$name]) == $OptionsMap[$name]) ? 1 : 0; } function SetPostOption($name,$value) { $OptionsMap = Array('show_sig'=>128,'disable_bbcode'=>64,'disable_smileys'=>32); if(!isset($OptionsMap[$name]))return false; $opt=(int)$this->Get("Options"); if($value) { $opt|=$OptionsMap[$name]; } else { $opt=$opt&~$OptionsMap[$name]; } $this->Set("Options",$opt); } function LoadFromDatabase($Id) { global $Errors; if(!isset($Id)) { $Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"GetUserPosts"); return false; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE PostingId = '%s'",$Id); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } $this->SetFromArray($result->fields); $this->Clean(); return true; } function GetTotalPosts() { global $Errors,$objSession; $sql = "SELECT count(*) as PostCount FROM ".$this->tablename; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false || !$result) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$objSession->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"","clsPosting","GetTotalPosts"); return false; } return $result->fields["PostCount"]; } function RenderText($text,$QouteTemplate) { global $objSmileys; $ret = $this->ReplaceQuote($ret,$QuoteTemplate); if(!$this->PostOption("disable_smileys")) $ret = $objSmileys->ParseText($ret); if(!$this->PostOption("disable_bbcode")) $ret = ReplaceBBCode($ret); return $ret; } function ReplaceQuote($text,$QuoteTemplate) { global $objPostingList; //$template = new clsItemTemplate(); if(strstr($text,"[quote")) { $text .= " "; $pos = strpos($text,"[quote"); $endopen = strpos($text,"]",$urlpos); $closepos = getLastStr($text,"[/quote]"); // strrpos($text,"[/quote]"); if($endopen && $closepos) { $tagText = substr($text,$pos, $closepos + strlen("[/quote]") - $pos); $innerText = substr($text,$endopen+1,$closepos - $endopen-1); $tagText = substr($text,$pos+1,$endopen - $pos-1); $attr = substr($tagText,6); $attribs = explode("=",$attr); // echo "Tag: $tagText Inner: $innerText
\n"; // echo $attribs[0]."=".$attribs[1]; if($attribs[0]=="id") { $QuoteId = $attribs[1]; $p = new clsPosting($QuoteId);// $objPostingList->GetItem($QuoteId); if(is_object($p)) { // echo "Parsing $QuoteTemplate.."; $p->Set("PostingText",$innerText); $text = substr($text,0,$pos).$p->ParseTemplate($QuoteTemplate).substr($text,$closepos+8)." "; // echo $text; } } } } return $text; } function Link($template="") { global $var_list_update, $bb_var_list_update, $var_list; if(strlen($template)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $template; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["post"] = $this->Get("PostingId"); $ret = HREF_Wrapper(); unset($bb_var_list_update["top"],$bb_var_list_update["post"], $var_list_update["t"]); return $ret; } function ParseObject($element) { global $objConfig, $objSmileys, $objSession, $objUsers, $objCatList, $var_list_update, $var_list, $bb_var_list_update, $objCensorList; $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); if(strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); switch($field) { case "id": case "postingid": /* @field:posting.postingid @description: Returns the ID field for the post */ $ret = $this->Get("PostingId"); break; case "subject": /* @field:posting.subject @description: Returns the post subject, if set */ $ret = $objCensorList->CensorText($this->Get("Subject")); break; /* @field:posting.image @description:Return an image associated with the topic @attrib:_default:bool:If true, will return the default image if the requested image does not exist @attrib:_name::Return the image with this name @attrib:_thumbnail:bool:If true, return the thumbnail version of the image @attrib:_imagetag:bool:If true, returns a complete image tag. exta html attributes are passed to the image tag */ case "modifiedby": /* @field:posting.modifiedby @description:parse a user field of the user that last modified the topic @attrib:_usertag::User field to return (defaults to login ID) */ $field = $element->attributes["_usertag"]; if(!strlen($field)) { $field = "user_login"; } $u = $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("ModifiedById")); $ret = $u->parsetag($field); break; case "depth": /* @field:posting.depth @description: For threaded post lists, this field returns the depth of the post (how many replies deep this post is) @attrib:_multiplier:int:value to multiply the dept by */ $ret = (int)$this->Get("Depth"); if(is_numeric($element->attributes["_multiplier"])) $ret = $ret * $element->attributes["_multiplier"]; break; case "createdby": /* @field:posting.createdby @description:parse a user field of the user that created this post @attrib:_usertag::User field to return (defaults to login ID) */ $userfield = $element->attributes["_usertag"]; if(!strlen($userfield)) { $userfield = "login"; } if(!is_object($this->Poster)) { $user_id = $this->Get('CreatedById'); if (!$user_id) { // we have registred user, not guest // user_id == 0 - "View Threaded" issued just after deleting reply. global $bb_var_list; $topic_id = $bb_var_list['top']; $sql = 'SELECT PostingId FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Posting WHERE TopicId = '.$topic_id.' ORDER BY CreatedOn ASC'; $db =& GetADODBConnection(); $bb_var_list['post'] = $db->GetOne($sql); $this->LoadFromDatabase($bb_var_list['post']); } $this->Poster =& $objUsers->GetItem( $this->Get('CreatedById') ); } $condition = is_object($this->Poster); if ($element->attributes['_isactive']) { $condition = $condition && ($this->Poster->Get('Status')==1); } if ($element->attributes["_name"]=='avatar') { if (!is_object($objImageList)) $objImageList =& new clsImageList(); if ($this->Poster->Get('Status')==1) { $objAvatar = $objImageList->GetImageByName($this->Poster->Get('ResourceId'), 'avatar', 1); } $condition = $condition && is_object($objAvatar); //$condition = $condition && $this->Poster->; } if($condition) { $e = new clsHtmlTag(); $e->name = $this->Poster->TagPrefix; $e->attributes = $element->attributes; $e->attributes["_field"] = $userfield; $ret = $this->Poster->ParseObject($e); } else { $ret = ''; } break; case "user_posts": /* @field:posting.user_posts @description:Number of posts made by the creator of this post */ if(!is_object($this->Poster)) { $this->Poster =& $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("CreatedById")); } $ret = $this->Poster->GetPersistantVariable("bb_posts"); if(!strlen($ret)) { (int)$ret = $this->GetUserPosts($this->Get("CreatedById")); $this->Poster->SetPersistantVariable("bb_posts",$ret); } break; case "posteralias": /* @field:posting.posteralias @description: Alias used by the poster, or the login name if not set */ $ret = $this->Get("PosterAlias"); if(!strlen($ret)) { if(!is_object($this->Poster)) { $this->Poster =& $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("CreatedById")); } $ret = $this->Poster->parsetag("user_login"); if ($ret == '') { $ret = admin_language("lu_Guest"); } } break; case "custom": /* @field:posting.custom @description:Returns a custom field @attrib:_customfield::field name to return @attrib:_default::default value */ $field = $element->attributes["_customfield"]; $default = $element->attributes["_default"]; $ret = $this->GetCustomFieldValue($field,$default); break; case "date": /* @description:Returns the date/time the post was created @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get('CreatedOn'); if (!$element->GetAttributeByName('_tz')) { $element->SetAttributeByName('_tz', 'auto'); } $ret = $this->ParseTimeStamp($d,$element->attributes); break; case "modifieddate": /* @field:posting.modifieddate @description:Returns the date/time the topic was last modified @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get('Modified'); if (!$element->GetAttributeByName('_tz')) { $element->SetAttributeByName('_tz', 'auto'); } $ret = $this->ParseTimeStamp($d,$element->attributes); break; case "link": /* @description: Returns a link to the post @attrib:_perm::Comma-separated permission list to check, any one permission granted to the user will create the link @attrib:_template:tpl:Tempalte to link to if access is granted @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $p = $element->attributes["_perm"]; if(strlen($p)) { $hasperm = $objSession->HasCatPermission($p); } else $hasperm = TRUE; if($hasperm) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; $url = $this->Link($t); if($element->attributes["_fulltag"]) { $ret = ""; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } } else $ret = $url; } else $ret = ""; break; case "link_edit": /* @field:posting.link_edit @description: Returns a link to edit the post. A complete anchor tag is returned, and the tag class is set to 'topic_reply' @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ //echo $this->Get("CreatedById")." User: ".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); $hasperm = (($this->Get("CreatedById")==$objSession->Get("PortalUserId") && $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.OWNER.MODIFY")) || $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.MODIFY")); if($hasperm && !$this->Locked) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; $url = $this->Link($t); if($element->attributes["_fulltag"]) { $ret = ""; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = $url; } else $ret = ""; break; case "link_delete": /* @field:topic.link_delete @description: Returns a link to delete the post. A complete anchor tag is returned, and the tag class is set to 'topic_reply' @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $OwnerPerm = ($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.OWNER.DELETE") && $this->Get("CreatedById")==$objSession->Get("PortalUserId")); if(($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.DELETE") || $OwnerPerm) && !$this->Locked) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($t)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $t; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; $plaintext = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["post"] = $this->Get("PostingId"); $ret = " 'bb_post_delete') ) ."\">"; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = ""; unset($bb_var_list_update["top"]); break; case "link_quote": /* @field:posting.link_quote @description: Returns a link to reply to the post, with the post quoted in the reply @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag @attrib:_fulltag:bool:If set true, returns a complete anchor tag, otherwise returns just the URL */ $hasperm = $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.ADD"); if($hasperm && !$this->Locked) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; $url = $this->Link($t); if($element->attributes["_fulltag"]) { $ret = ""; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = $url; } else { $ret = ""; } break; case "admin_icon": if($element->attributes["fulltag"]) { $ret = "StatusIcon()."\">"; } else $ret = $this->StatusIcon(); break; case "body": /* @field:posting.body @description:Returns the post body @attrib:_parsed:bool:If true, quoted text, smileys, bbcode, and signatures are expanded out */ if( $element->GetAttributeByName('_parsed') ) { $ret = $this->Get('PostingText'); $ret = str_replace( Array("[/code]\r\n","[/quote]\r\n"),Array('[/code]','[/quote]'), $ret); $ret = str_replace('"', '"', $ret); $ret = $this->ReplaceQuote($ret,$element->attributes["_quotetemplate"]); $ret = $objCensorList->CensorText($ret); if(!$this->PostOption("disable_smileys")) { $ret = $objSmileys->ParseText($ret); } if(!$this->PostOption("disable_bbcode")) { $ret = ReplaceBBCode($ret); } //$ret = str_replace("\n", '
', $ret); $ret = nl2br($ret); while ( strpos($ret, '

') !== false ) { $ret = str_replace('

', '
', $ret); } if( $this->PostOption("show_sig") && $element->GetAttributeByName('_signature') > 0 ) { if(!is_object($this->Poster)) { $this->Poster =& $objUsers->GetUser($this->Get("CreatedById")); } $showsig = $this->PostOption("show_sig"); // show post creator signature in this post $UserSig = (int)$objSession->GetPersistantVariable("bb_signatures"); // viewing user wishes to see other signatures if($showsig == 1 && $UserSig == 1) { $sig = $this->Poster->GetPersistantVariable("my_signature"); $sig = htmlspecialchars($sig,ENT_NOQUOTES); if( !$this->PostOption("disable_smileys") ) $sig = $objSmileys->ParseText($sig); if( !$this->PostOption("disable_bbcode") ) $sig = ReplaceBBCode($sig); $ret .= "

".nl2br($sig); } } } else { $ret = $this->Get("PostingText"); } break; // default: // $tag = $this->TagPrefix."_".$field; // $ret = $this->parsetag($tag); // break; /* @field:posting.relevance @description:Displays the post relevance in search results @attrib:_displaymode:: How the relevance should be displayed
@attrib:_onimage::Zero relevance image shown in graphical display mode. Also used as prefix to build other images (i.e. prefix+"_"+percentage+".file_extension" @attrib:_OffBackGroundColor::Off background color of HTML cell in bar display mode @attrib:_OnBackGroundColor::On background color of HTML cell in bar display mode */ } if(!strlen($ret)) { $ret = parent::ParseObject($element); } } else { $fcall = $element->Execute(); if(substr($fcall,0,8)=="{Unknown") { $ret = $this->parsetag($element->name); } else $ret = $fcall; } return $ret; } /* function parsetag($tag) { global $objConfig, $objUsers, $m_var_list_update, $bb_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $objSession, $bb_var_list, $bbperm; if(is_object($tag)) { $tagname = $tag->name; } else $tagname = $tag; switch($tagname) { case "posting_id": return $this->Get("PostingId"); break; case "posting_resource_id": return $this->Get("ResourceId"); break; case "posting_ip": return $this->Get("IPAddress"); break; case "posting_alias": return $this->Get("PosterAlias"); break; case "posting_text": return inp_unescape($this->Get("PostingText")); break; case "posting_date": if($this->Get("CreatedOn")<=0) return ""; return LangDate($this->Get("CreatedOn"), 0, true); break; case "posting_modified": if($this->Get("ModifiedOn")<=0) return ""; return LangDate($this->Get("ModifiedOn"), 0, true); break; case "posting_topicid": return $this->Get("TopicId"); break; case "posting_reply_quote_link": $bb_var_list_update["post"]=$this->Get("PostingId"); $var_list_update["t"]="inbulletin/bb_post_edit_reply_form"; $ret = HREF_Wrapper(); unset($bb_var_list_update["post"],$var_list_update["t"]); return $ret; break; case "posting_edit_link": $bb_var_list_update["post"]=$this->Get("PostingId"); $var_list_update["t"]="inbulletin/bb_post_edit_reply_form"; $ret = HREF_Wrapper('', Array('edit' => 'yes') ); unset($bb_var_list_update["post"],$var_list_update["t"]); return $ret; break; case "cell_back": if ($bb_var_list_update["post_cell"]==$objConfig->Get("Post_Background1")) { $bb_var_list_update["post_cell"]=$objConfig->Get("Post_Background2"); return $objConfig->Get("Post_Background2"); } else { $bb_var_list_update["post_cell"]=$objConfig->Get("Post_Background1"); return $objConfig->Get("Post_Background1"); } break; default: return $tag; break; } } */ } class _clsPostingList extends clsItemCollection { var $TopicID; var $Page; function _clsPostingList() { global $bb_var_list; $this->clsItemCollection(); $this->TopicID=-1; $this->classname = "clsPosting"; $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."Posting"; $this->BasePermission="TOPIC"; $this->Page = $bb_var_list["pp"]; } function CurrentPostID() { global $bb_var_list; $p = (int)$bb_var_list["post"]; if($p==0) { $sql = "SELECT PostingId FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE TopicId=".$this->TopicID; $sql .=" AND ReplyTo=0 ORDER BY CreatedOn ASC LIMIT 1"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $bb_var_list["post"] = $rs->fields["PostingId"]; } return (int)$bb_var_list["post"]; } function &GetCurrentPost() { $id = $this->CurrentPostID(); $p = $this->GetItem($id); return $p; } function Query_Posting($whereClause,$orderByClause="", $limit=NULL) { global $Errors, $objSession; $resultSet = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." "; if(isset($whereClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause); if(isset($orderByClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s ORDER BY %s',$sql,$orderByClause); if(strlen(trim($limit))>0) $sql .= " ".$limit; if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."
\n"; $this->Query_Item($sql); return $this->Items; } function DeleteTopicPosts($TopicId) { global $objTopicList; $this->Clear(); $topic = $objTopicList->GetItem($TopicId); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." WHERE TopicId=".$TopicId; $this->Query_Item($sql); $count = $this->NumItems(); if( is_object($topic) ) $topic->ClearCacheData(); DeleteTagCache("m_itemcount","Post%"); if($this->NumItems()>0) { foreach($this->Items as $p) { $p->Delete(); } } $this->Clear(); } function DoGlobalCount($attribs) { global $objCountCache, $objTopicList; $cc = $objCountCache->GetValue(0,30,$objTopicList->CacheListExtraId("_"),(int)getArrayValue($attribs,'_today'), 3600); $cc = null; if(!is_numeric($cc)) { $sql = $objTopicList->SqlGlobalCount($attribs); $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $ret = ($rs && !$rs->EOF) ? $rs->fields['CachedVal'] : '0'; $objCountCache->SetValue(0,30,$objTopicList->CacheListExtraId("_"),(int)getArrayValue($attribs,'_today'),$ret); } else $ret = $cc; //echo "DoGlobalCount Posting: $ret
"; return $ret; } function CategoryCount($attribs) { global $objCatList, $objCountCache; $cat = $attribs["_catid"]; if(!is_numeric($cat)) { $cat = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } if((int)$cat>0) $c = $objCatList->GetCategory($cat); $cc = $objCountCache->GetValue(1,30,$cat,0,3600); //print_pre($attribs); if(is_numeric($cc) && $attribs["_forceupdate"] != 1) { return $cc; } $CatTable = GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems"; //$t = $this->SourceTable; $t = GetTablePrefix()."Topic"; $p = $this->SourceTable; $sql = "SELECT (SUM(Posts)-COUNT(TopicId)) as MyCount FROM $t "; $sql .=" INNER JOIN $CatTable ON ($CatTable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId) "; if($attribs["_subcats"]) { $ctable = $objCatList->SourceTable; $sql .= "INNER JOIN $ctable ON ($CatTable.CategoryId=$ctable.CategoryId) "; $sql .= "WHERE (ParentPath LIKE '".$c->Get("ParentPath")."%' "; if(!$attribs["_countcurrent"]) { $sql .=" AND $ctable.CategoryId != $cat) "; } else $sql .=") "; } else $sql .="WHERE ($CatTable.CategoryId=".$cat." AND $t.Status=1) "; if($attribs["_today"]) { $today = adodb_mktime(0,0,0,adodb_date("m"),adodb_date("d"),adodb_date("Y")); $sql .= "AND ($t.CreatedOn>=$today) "; } //echo "Cat:".$sql."
\n"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); $ret = ""; if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $ret = (int)$rs->fields["MyCount"]; } if(is_numeric($ret)) $objCountCache->SetValue(1,30,$cat,0,$ret); return $ret; } function LoadTopicPosts() { global $objConfig, $objTopicList; $o=""; //prepare output $this->Clear(); if($this->Page<1) $this->Page=1; if(is_numeric($objConfig->Get("Perpage_Postings"))) { $Start = ($this->Page-1)*$objConfig->Get("Perpage_Postings"); $limit = "LIMIT ".$Start.",".$objConfig->Get("Perpage_Postings"); } else $limit = NULL; $where = "TopicId=".$this->TopicID; $this->QueryItemCount=TableCount(GetTablePrefix()."Posting",$where,0); $this->Query_Posting($where,"CreatedOn ASC",$limit); $t = $objTopicList->GetItem($this->TopicID); if($t->Get("TopicType")==0) { for($x=0;$x<$this->NumItems();$x++) $this->Items[$x]->Locked=TRUE; } return $this->Items; } function GetPageLinkList($dest_template = null, $page = '', $PagesToList = 10, $HideEmpty = true, $extra_attributes = '') { global $objConfig, $bb_var_list_update, $var_list_update, $bb_var_list, $var_list; $PerPage = $objConfig->Get("Perpage_Postings"); if ($PerPage < 1) $PerPage = 20; $NumPages = ceil( $this->GetNumPages($PerPage) ); $var_list_update['t'] = isset($dest_template) && $dest_template ? $dest_template : $var_list['t']; $o = ''; if ($this->Page > $NumPages) $this->Page = $NumPages; if ($NumPages == 1 && $HideEmpty) return ''; $StartPage = (int)$this->Page - ($PagesToList / 2); if ($StartPage < 1) $StartPage = 1; $EndPage = $StartPage + ($PagesToList - 1); if ($EndPage > $NumPages) { $EndPage = $NumPages; $StartPage = $EndPage-($PagesToList-1); if ($StartPage < 1) $StartPage = 1; } $o = ''; if ($StartPage > 1) { $bb_var_list_update['pp'] = $this->Page - $PagesToList; $bb_var_list_update['top'] = $this->TopicID; $prev_url = HREF_Wrapper(); $o .= '<<'; } for ($p = $StartPage; $p <= $EndPage; $p++) { if ($p != $this->Page) { $bb_var_list_update['pp'] = $p; $bb_var_list_update['top'] = $this->TopicID; $href = HREF_Wrapper(); $o .= ' '.$p.' '; } else { $o .= $p; } } if ($EndPage < $NumPages && $EndPage > 0) { $bb_var_list_update['pp'] = $this->Page + $PagesToList; $bb_var_list_update['top'] = $this->TopicID; $next_url = HREF_Wrapper(); $o .= ' >>'; } unset($bb_var_list_update["pp"],$bb_var_list_update["top"],$var_list_update["t"] ); return $o; } function ResetCache($CategoryId) { global $objCountCache; if( $objCountCache->NumItems() == 0 ) { $objCountCache->Query_Item('SELECT * FROM '.$objCountCache->SourceTable); } $db =& GetADODBConnection(); $sql = 'SELECT ParentPath FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Category WHERE CategoryId = '.$CategoryId; $parents = $db->GetOne($sql); $parents = substr($parents,1,strlen($parents)-2); $parents = explode('|',$parents); foreach($parents as $ParentCategoryId) { $objCountCache->DeleteValue(0, 30, $ParentCategoryId, 0); // total topic count $objCountCache->DeleteValue(0, 30, $ParentCategoryId, 1); // total } } }/*clsPostingList*/ ?>