clsCatItem(TRUE); $this->tablename=GetTablePrefix()."Topic"; $this->type=TYPE_TOPIC; $this->BasePermission="TOPIC"; $this->Prefix = 'bb'; $this->id_field = "TopicId"; $this->TagPrefix = "topic"; $this->TitleField = 'TopicText'; if(isset($TopicId)) $this->LoadFromDatabase($TopicId); if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.ITEM")) { $this->SetDebugLevel(1); } $this->OpenTagVar = "Topic_Highlight_OpenTag"; $this->CloseTagVar = "Topic_Highlight_CloseTag"; } function ClearCacheData() { DeleteModuleTagCache('inbulletin'); /* $cats = explode(",",$this->CategoryMemberList()); if(is_array($cats)) { foreach($cats as $c) { if(is_numeric($c)) { $evar = "'%:m".$c."%'"; DeleteTagCache("bb_topic_list","",$evar); DeleteTagCache("bb_topic_more","",$evar); } } } DeleteTagCache("bb_topic_modified%",""); DeleteTagCache("TopicPopValue","",""); DeleteTagCache("TopicHotValue","",""); DeleteTagCache("TopicNewValue","","");*/ } function Validate() { global $Errors; $dataValid = true; if(!strlen($this->Get("TopicText"))) { $objSession->AddError("error.fieldIsRequired",'TopicText',"","",get_class($this),"Validate"); $dataValid = false; } if(!(int)($this->Get("OwnerId"))) { $Errors->AddError("error.fieldIsRequired",'Owner',"","",get_class($this),"Validate"); $dataValid = false; } return $dataValid; } function Update($UpdatedBy=NULL,$modificationDate=null) { parent::Update($UpdatedBy,$modificationDate); if($this->tablename==GetTablePrefix()."Topic") { $this->ClearCacheData(); } } function Create() { parent::Create(); if($this->tablename==GetTablePrefix()."Topic") { $this->ClearCacheData(); DeleteTagCache("m_itemcount","Topic%"); } } function Delete() { global $objPostingList, $objCatList; $PostCount = $this->Get("Posts"); $objPostingList->DeleteTopicPosts($this->Get("TopicId")); $CategoryId = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($CategoryId)) $CategoryId = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); if($this->tablename==GetTablePrefix()."Topic") { $this->ClearCacheData(); DeleteTagCache("m_itemcount","Topic%"); if($this->Get("NotifyOwnerOnChanges")) { $this->SendUserEventMail("TOPIC.DELETE",$this->Get('OwnerId') ); } $this->SendAdminEventMail("TOPIC.DELETE"); } parent::Delete(); $this->refreshLastUpdate($CategoryId); $this->UpdateCategoryPostCount(); } function UpdateModified($UserId) { $this->Set(array("Modified", "ModifiedById"), array(adodb_mktime(), $UserId)); $this->Update(); } function UpdateNumPosts() { global $objSession; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(PostingId) as PostCount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Posting WHERE TopicId=" . $this->Get("TopicId"); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($result && !$result->EOF) { $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->tablename." SET Posts=".$result->fields["PostCount"]." WHERE TopicId=" . $this->Get("TopicId"); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"UpdateNumPosts"); return false; } } } function SetNewItem() { global $objConfig; $value = $this->Get("CreatedOn"); $cutoff = adodb_date("U") - ($objConfig->Get("Topic_NewDays") * 86400); $this->IsNew = FALSE; if($value>$cutoff) $this->IsNew = TRUE; return $this->IsNew; } function SetPopItem() { global $objConfig, $objTopicList; $cutoff = $objTopicList->GetPopValue(); if($cutoff > 0) { $this->IsPop = FALSE; if($this->Get('Posts') >= $cutoff) { $this->IsPop = TRUE; } } else $this->IsPop = FALSE; return $this->IsPop; } function SetHotItem() { global $objConfig, $objTopicList; $this->IsHot = FALSE; $cutoff = $objTopicList->GetHotValue(); if($cutoff>0) { if($this->Get("Views") >= $cutoff) $this->IsHot = TRUE; } return $this->IsHot; } function Approve() { $this->Set("Status", 1); $this->Update(); $this->SendUserEventMail("TOPIC.APPROVE",$this->Get("OwnerId")); $this->SendAdminEventMail("TOPIC.APPROVE"); } function Deny() { $this->Set("Status", 0); $this->Update(); $this->SendUserEventMail("TOPIC.DENY",$this->Get("OwnerId")); $this->SendAdminEventMail("TOPIC.DENY"); } function LoadFromDatabase($Id) { global $Errors; if(!isset($Id)) { $Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return false; } if($Id>0) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE ".$this->IdField()." = '%s'",$Id); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === FALSE) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"LoadFromDatabase"); return FALSE; } $data = $result->fields; $this->SetFromArray($data); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } function LoadFromResourceId($Id) { global $objSession, $Errors; if(!isset($Id)) { $Errors->AddError("error.AppError",NULL,'Internal error: LoadFromDatabase id',"",get_class($this),"LoadFromResourceId"); return false; } $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE ResourceId = '%s'",$Id); $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if ($result === false) { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"LoadFromResourceId"); return false; } $data = $result->fields; if(is_array($data)) $this->SetFromArray($data); } function GetPostsSince($time_stamp) { global $Errors; $Id = $this->Get("TopicId"); //get cur cat id settype($time_stamp,"integer"); $sql = "SELECT count(PostingId) as pcount FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Posting WHERE TopicId = $Id AND Posting.ModifiedOn >= $time_stamp "; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($result && !$result->EOF) return $result->fields["pcount"]; else { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"",get_class($this),"GetPostsSince"); return false; } } function GetPosts() { global $Errors; /* if(!is_numeric($this->Get("Posts"))<1) { $Id = $this->Get("TopicId"); //get cur cat id $sql = "SELECT count(PostingId) FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Posting WHERE TopicId = $Id"; $result = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($result && !$result->EOF) $this->Set("Posts",$result->fields[0]); else { $Errors->AddError("error.DatabaseError",NULL,$this->adodbConnection->ErrorMsg(),"","clsTopic","GetPosts"); return false; } }*/ return $this->Get("Posts"); } function StatusIcon() { global $rootURL; $ret = $rootURL."/in-bulletin/admin/images/"; switch($this->Get("Status")) { case STATUS_DISABLED: $ret .= "icon16_topic_disabled.gif"; break; case STATUS_PENDING: $ret .= "icon16_topic_pending.gif"; break; case STATUS_ACTIVE: $img = "icon16_topic.gif"; if($this->IsPopItem()) $img = "icon16_topic_top.gif"; if($this->IsHotItem()) $img = "icon16_topic_hot.gif"; if($this->IsNewItem()) $img = "icon16_topic_new.gif"; if($this->Is("EditorsPick")) $img = "icon16_topic_pick.gif"; $ret .= $img; break; } return $ret; } function ItemURL($Template=NULL,$SetCat=FALSE,$Action=NULL) { global $var_list_update,$var_list,$bb_var_list_update,$m_var_list_update; $url_params = Array(); $var_list_update["t"] = $Template ? $Template : $var_list["t"]; // if($SetCat || (int)$this->Get("CategoryId")>0) // { $cat = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($cat)) $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); $m_var_list_update["cat"] = $cat; // } $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["pp"] = 1; if( isset($Action) && $Action ) $url_params['Action'] = $Action; $ret = HREF_Wrapper('', $url_params); unset($m_var_list_update["cat"],$bb_var_list_update["top"],$bb_var_list_update["tp"],$bb_var_list_update["pp"], $var_list_update["t"]); return $ret; } function ParseObject($element) { global $objConfig, $objSession, $objUsers, $objCatList, $var_list_update, $var_list, $bb_var_list_update, $m_var_list_update,$objCensorList; //print_pre($element); $extra_attribs = ExtraAttributes($element->attributes); if(strtolower($element->name)==$this->TagPrefix) { $field = strtolower($element->attributes["_field"]); switch($field) { /* @field:topic.text @description: Returns the topic title (or subject) */ case "text": $topic_text = inp_unescape($objCensorList->CensorText($this->Get("TopicText"))); $num_chars = $element->GetAttributeByName('_numchars'); if ($num_chars && strlen($topic_text) > $num_chars) { $ret = substr($topic_text, 0, $num_chars)."..."; } else { $ret = $topic_text; } $ret = $this->HighlightText($ret); break; /* @field:topic.replies @description: Returns the number of posts for the topic (The first post is not counted) */ case "replies": $ret = $this->GetPosts() - 1; break; /* @field:topic.views @description: Returns the number of times the topic has been viewed */ case "views": return round($this->Get("Views")); break; /* @field:topic.category @description:Return a category field from the link's category @attrib:_cattag::Category field to parse */ case "lastposter": /* @field:topic.lastposter @description:Returns the login name of the last poster in this topic */ if(strlen($this->Get("LastPoster"))) { $ret = $this->Get("LastPoster"); } else { $id = $this->Get("LastPostId"); if (!is_numeric($id)) { $id = $this->GetLastPostId(); } if ($id) { $post = new clsPosting($id); if (is_object($post)) { $ret = $post->Get('PosterAlias'); if (!$ret && ($post->Get('CreatedById') < 0)) { $ret = language('lu_Guest'); } } } } break; case "lastpostdate": /* @field:topic.lastpostdate @description:Returns the date/time a post was made to this topic @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get("LastPostDate"); if (!$element->GetAttributeByName('_tz')) { $element->SetAttributeByName('_tz', 'auto'); } $ret = $this->ParseTimeStamp($d, $element->attributes); break; /* @field:topic.image @description:Return an image associated with the topic @attrib:_primary:bool:If true, will return the default image if the requested image does not exist @attrib:_name::Return the image with this name @attrib:_thumbnail:bool:If true, return the thumbnail version of the image @attrib:_imagetag:bool:If true, returns a complete image tag. exta html attributes are passed to the image tag */ case "modifiedby": /* @field:topic.modifiedby @description:parse a user field of the user that last modified the topic @attrib:_usertag::User field to return (defaults to login ID) */ $field = $element->attributes["_usertag"]; if(!strlen($field)) { $field = "user_login"; } $u =& $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("ModifiedById")); $ret = $u->parsetag($field); break; case "owner": /* @field:topic.owner @description:parse a user field of the user that is the topic owner @attrib:_usertag::User field to return (defaults to login ID) */ $field = $element->attributes["_usertag"]; if(!strlen($field)) { $field = "user_login"; } $u =& $objUsers->GetItem($this->Get("OwnerId")); $ret = $u->parsetag($field); break; /* @field:topic.custom @description:Returns a custom field @attrib:_customfield::field name to return @attrib:_default::default value */ case "date": /* @description:Returns the date/time the topic was created @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get('CreatedOn'); if (!$element->GetAttributeByName('_tz')) { $element->SetAttributeByName('_tz', 'auto'); } $ret = $this->ParseTimeStamp($d,$element->attributes); break; case "modifieddate": /* @field:link.modifieddate @description:Returns the date/time the topic was last modified @attrib:_tz:bool:Convert the date to the user's local time @attrib:_part::Returns part of the date. The following options are available: month,day,year,time_24hr,time_12hr */ $d = $this->Get('Modified'); if (!$element->GetAttributeByName('_tz')) { $element->SetAttributeByName('_tz', 'auto'); } $ret = $this->ParseTimeStamp($d,$element->attributes); break; /* @field:topic.fullpath @description:The full category path of the item */ //break; case "locked": /* @field:topic.locked @description: Returns a value if the topic is locked @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display */ if($this->Get("TopicType")==0) { $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; if(!strlen($ret)) $ret = "locked"; } else { $ret = ''; } break; /* @field:topic.cat_link @description:Returns a URL setting the topic to the current topic and the topic's category to the current category @attrib:_template:tpl:Template URL should point to */ /* @description:Returns a URL setting the topic to the current topic @attrib:_template:tpl:Template URL should point to */ case "perm_link": /* @field:topic.perm_link @description: Returns a link to the current topic if permissions are set for the user @attrib:_permission::Comma-separated permission list to check, any one permission granted to the user will create the link @attrib:_system:bool:Set this to true if any one permission in the list is a system permission @attrib:_noaccess:tpl:Template to link to if access is denied @attrib:_template:tpl:Tempalte to link to if access is granted @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $p = $element->attributes["_permission"]; $sys = $element->attributes["_system"]; $cat = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($cat)) $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); $HasPerm = $objSession->HasCatPermInList($p,$cat, $sys); if(!$HasPerm && strlen($element->attributes["_noaccess"])>0) { $t = $element->attributes["_noaccess"]; $ret = $this->ItemURL($t,FALSE,""); } if($HasPerm) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; $ret = "ItemURL($t)."\">"; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = ''; break; case "link_lock": /* @field:topic.link_lock @description: Returns a link to lock or unlock the topic. A complete anchor tag is returned, and the tag class is set to 'topic_reply' @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $cat = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($cat)) $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); if($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.LOCK",$cat)) { $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($t)) { $var_list_update["t"] = $t; } else $var_list_update["t"] = $var_list["t"]; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); if($this->Get("TopicType")==1) { $ret = " 'bb_lock_topic') )."\">"; } else $ret = " 'bb_unlock_topic') )."\">"; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = ""; unset($bb_var_list_update["top"], $m_var_list_update["cat"],$var_list_update["t"]); break; case "link_delete": /* @field:topic.link_delete @description: Returns a link to delete the topic. @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $cat = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($cat)) $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); $OwnerPerm = ($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.OWNER.DELETE", $cat) && $objSession->Get("PortalUserId")==$this->Get("OwnerId")); if($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.DELETE",$cat) || $OwnerPerm) { $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $m_var_list_update["cat"] = $cat; $ret = " 'bb_topic_delete') ) ."\">"; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = ""; unset($bb_var_list_update["top"], $m_var_list_update["cat"]); break; case "link_edit": /* @field:topic.link_edit @description: Rturns a link edit the topic. A complete anchor tag is returned, and the tag class is set to 'topic_reply' @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ $cat = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if (!is_numeric($cat)) { $cat = $this->GetPrimaryCategory(); } $perms[1] = $objSession->HasCatPermission('TOPIC.MODIFY', $cat) || $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.MODIFY.PENDING", $cat); $perms[2] = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId") == $this->Get("OwnerId") && $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.OWNER.MODIFY", $cat); $perms[3] = $objSession->Get("PortalUserId") == $this->Get("OwnerId") && $objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.OWNER.MODIFY.PENDING", $cat); if ( ($perms[1] || $perms[2] || $perms[3]) && ($this->Get("TopicType") == 1) ) { $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $m_var_list_update["cat"] = $cat; $var_list_update["t"] = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($element->attributes["_template"])) { $ret = ""; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = "[no template]"; } else $ret = ""; unset($bb_var_list_update["top"], $var_list_update["t"],$m_var_list_update["cat"]); break; case "link_reply": /* @field:topic.link_reply @description: Rturns a link to post a reply to the topic. A complete anchor tag is returned, and the tag class is set to 'topic_reply' @attrib:_template:tpl:Template link should point to @attrib:_text:lang:Language tag to display as the link text @attrib:_plaintext:: Plain text to use instead of language tag @attrib:image::Image URL to display in the anchor tag */ if(($objSession->HasCatPermission("TOPIC.REPLY.ADD") || $objSession->Get("PortalUserId")==$this->Get("OwnerId")) && $this->Get("TopicType")==1) { $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $var_list_update["t"] = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(strlen($element->attributes["_template"])) { $ret = ""; $text = $element->attributes["_text"]; if(!strlen($text)) { $text = $element->attributes["_plaintext"]; if(!strlen($text)) { if(strlen($element->attributes["_image"])) { $text = "attributes["_image"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } } $ret .= $text.""; } else $ret .= language($text).""; } else $ret = ""; } else $ret = ""; unset($bb_var_list_update["top"],$var_list_update["t"]); break; case "add_favorite_link": /* @field:topic.add_favorite_link @description:Returns a URL to add this topic to the user's favorites @attrib:_template:tpl:Template URL should point to */ $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(!strlen($t)) $t = $var_list["t"]; $ret = $this->ItemURL($t,FALSE,"bb_add_favorite"); break; case "del_favorite_link": /* @field:topic.del_favorite_link @description:Returns a URL to remove this link from the user's favorites @attrib:_template:tpl:Template URL should point to */ $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(!strlen($t)) $t = $var_list["t"]; $ret = $this->ItemURL($t,FALSE,"bb_del_favorite"); break; /* @field:topic.favorite_toggle @description: Returns a link to set or reset the favorite flag for the current user @attrib: _template:tpl:Template to link to if user has the FAVORITES permission (defaults to current template) @attrib: _denytemplate:tpl: Template to link to if user does not have favorites permission (ie Guest) Defaults to current template @attrib: _addlabel:lang:Language tag to display if link is to add favorite @attrib: _addimage::Image url to include in link if adding favorite @attrib: _dellabel:lang:Language tag to display if item is already a favorite @attrib: _delimage::Image url to include in link if removing the favorite */ case "favorite_toggle": $t = $element->attributes["_template"]; if(!strlen($t)) $t = $var_list["t"]; if(!$this->IsFavorite()) { $action = "bb_add_favorite"; if (!strlen($element->attributes["_addlabel"])) { $text = "attributes["_addimage"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } else { $label = $element->attributes["_addlabel"]; } } else { $action = "bb_del_favorite"; if (!strlen($element->attributes["_dellabel"])) { $text = "attributes["_delimage"]."\" BORDER=\"0\" alt=\"\">"; } else { $label = $element->attributes["_dellabel"]; } } if (strlen($label)) { $text = language($label); } $ret = "ItemURL($t,FALSE,$action)."\">".$text.""; break; case "admin_icon": if( $element->GetAttributeByName('_fulltag') ) { $ret = "StatusIcon()."\" alt=\"\">"; } else $ret = $this->StatusIcon(); break; case "admin_modified": if($this->Get("Modified")<=0) return "-"; return LangDate($this->Get("Modified"))."
".LangTime($this->Get("Modified")); break; case "post_pagelist": /* @field:topic.post_pagelist @description: Returns a page navigation link set for this topic, assuming the current page of the post list is page 1. If less that one page full of posts exists, nothing is returned @attrib:_DestTemplate:tpl: Template the links should point to @attrib:_PagesToList:int: Number of pages listed in the bar */ $plist = new clsPostingList(); $plist->TopicID = $this->Get('TopicId'); //$this->TopicID; $where = 'TopicId = '.$this->Get('TopicId'); $plist->QueryItemCount = $this->GetPosts(); $plist->Page = 0; $t = $element->attributes['_desttemplate']; $PagesToList = $element->attributes['_pagestolist']; if (!is_numeric($PagesToList)) $PagesToList = 10; if ($plist->QueryItemCount > $objConfig->Get('Perpage_Postings')) { $ret = $plist->GetPageLinkList($t,'',$PagesToList, $extra_attribs); } else { $ret = ''; } break; case "postedby": /* @field:topic.postedby @description:Returns the login name of the last poster in this topic */ $ret = $this->Get("PostedBy"); if ($ret == '') { $ret = admin_language("lu_Guest"); } break; case "admin_cell_back": $ret = int_table_color_ret(); break; /* @field:topic.rating @description:Displays the topic rating @attrib:_displaymode:: How the rating should be displayed
@attrib:_onimage::on image tick shown in graphical display mode @attrib:_offimage::off image tick shown in graphical display mode @attrib:_separator::In graphical display mode, this html is placed between each tick image */ /* @description:Return the number of reviews for think link @attrib:_today:bool:Count reviews added today only */ case "votes": /* @field:topic.votes @description:Return the number of rating votes for this topic */ $ret = $this->Get("CachedVotesQty"); break; case 'icon': $icons = Array(); $icons['new'] = $element->GetAttributeByName('_new_icon'); $icons['no_new'] = $element->GetAttributeByName('_no_new_icon'); $icons['locked'] = $element->GetAttributeByName('_locked_icon'); if ($this->Get('TopicType') == 0 || $objSession->Get('PortalUserId') <= 0) { $ret = $icons['locked']; break; } $topic_modified = $this->Get('Modified'); if (!$topic_modified) { $topic_modified = $this->Get('CreatedOn'); } $last_login = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable('LastLogin'); if ($last_login < $topic_modified) { $ret = $icons['new']; } else { $ret = $icons['no_new']; } break; /* @description:returns text if topic's status is "new" @attrib:_label:lang: Text to return if status is new */ /* @field:topic.pop @description:returns text if topic's status is "popular" @attrib:_label:lang: Text to return if status is popular */ /* @description:returns text if topic's status is "hot" @attrib:_label:lang: Text to return if status is "hot" */ /* @field:topic.pick @description:returns text if topic's status is "hot" @attrib:_label:lang: Text to return if status is "hot" */ } if(!isset($ret)) $ret = parent::ParseObject($element); } else { $ret = $this->parsetag($element->name); } return $ret; } function parsetag($tagname) { global $objConfig, $objSession, $objUsers, $var_list_update, $bb_var_list_update, $bb_var_list; switch($tagname) { case "topic_admin_icon": return $this->StatusIcon(); break; case "topic_id": return $this->Get("TopicId"); break; case "topic_resourceid": return $this->Get("ResourceId"); break; case "topic_modified": if ($this->Get('Modified') <= 0) { return ''; } return LangDate($this->Get('Modified'), 0, true); break; case "topic_modified_time": if ($this->Get('Modified') <= 0) { return ''; } return LangTime($this->Get('Modified'), 0, true); break; case "topic_admin_modified": if($this->Get("Modified")<=0) return "-"; return LangDate($this->Get("Modified"))."
".LangTime($this->Get("Modified")); break; case "topic_created": if ($this->Get('CreatedOn') <= 0) { return ''; } return LangDate($this->Get('CreatedOn'), 0, true); break; case "topic_created_time": if ($this->Get('CreatedOn') <= 0) { return ''; } return LangTime($this->Get('CreatedOn'), 0, true); break; case "topic_text": return inp_unescape($this->Get("TopicText")); break; case "topic_delete": if($this->CheckPermission("DELETE")) { $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); return " 'bb_topic_delete') ) ."\">".language("delete").""; } else return ""; break; case "topic_name": return inp_unescape($this->Get("TopicText")); break; case "topic_views": return $this->Get("Views"); break; case "topic_posts": return $this->GetPosts(); break; case "topic_replies": return $this->GetPosts() - 1; break; case "topic_priority": if($this->Get("Priority")>0) { return (int)$this->Get("Priority"); } else return ""; break; case "topic_pick": if ($this->Is("EditorsPick")) return "pick"; break; case "topic_new": if ($this->IsNewItem()) return "new"; break; case "topic_pop": if ($this->IsPopItem()) return "pop"; break; case "topic_hot": if ($this->IsHotItem()) return "hot"; break; case "topic_poster": return $this->Get("PostedBy"); break; case "topic_category": return $this->Get("CategoryId"); break; case "topic_last_post": return LangDate($this->Get("Modified")); break; case "topic_link": $var_list_update["t"] = "inbulletin/bb_post_list"; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["cat"] = $this->Get("CategoryId"); $bb_var_list_update["pp"]=1; $ret = HREF_Wrapper(); unset($var_list_update["t"], $bb_var_list_update["top"]); return $ret; break; case "topic_review_link": $var_list_update["t"] = "inbulletin/bb_reviews"; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["cat"] = $this->Get("CategoryId"); $bb_var_list_update["pp"]=1; $ret = HREF_Wrapper(); unset($var_list_update["t"], $bb_var_list_update["top"]); return $ret; break; case "topic_rate_link": $var_list_update["t"] = "inbulletin/bb_rate"; $bb_var_list_update["top"] = $this->Get("TopicId"); $bb_var_list_update["cat"] = $this->Get("CategoryId"); $bb_var_list_update["pp"]=1; $ret = HREF_Wrapper(); unset($var_list_update["t"], $bb_var_list_update["top"]); return $ret; break; case "topic_num_reviews": $ret = $this->ReviewCount(); return $ret; break; case "topic_votes": return $this->Get("CachedVotesQty"); break; case "topic_rating": return round($this->Get("CachedRating"),1); break; case "topic_rating_txt": return RatingText($this->Get("CachedRating")); break; case "topic_type_img": $last_login = $objSession->GetPersistantVariable("LastLogin"); if ($objSession->Get("PortalUserId") == -2) { $n = $this->GetPosts(); if ($n > 25) return "inbulletin/images/hot_folder.gif"; else return "inbulletin/images/folder.gif"; } $n = $this->GetPostsSince($last_login); if ($n > 25) return "inbulletin/images/hot_red_folder.gif"; elseif ($n > 0) return "inbulletin/images/red_folder.gif"; else { $n2 = $this->GetPosts(); if ($n2 > 25) return "inbulletin/images/hot_folder.gif"; else return "inbulletin/images/folder.gif"; } break; case "topic_admin_cell_back": return int_table_color_ret(); default: return "Undefined:$tagname"; break; } } function UpdateCategoryPostCount($CatId=NULL) { global $objCatList,$objCountCache; if(!is_numeric($CatId)) $CatId = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); $PostCount = 0; $sql = "SELECT SUM(Posts) as PostCount,count(TopicId) as TopicCount FROM ".$this->tablename." INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems ON "; $sql .= "(".$this->tablename.".ResourceId=".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems.ItemResourceId) WHERE CategoryId=$CatId AND Status=1"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) $PostCount = $rs->fields["PostCount"]; if($PostCount>0) $PostCount = $PostCount - (int)$rs->fields["TopicCount"]; $sql = "UPDATE ".$objCountCache->SourceTable." SET Value=".(int)$PostCount.",LastUpdate=".adodb_date("U")." WHERE ItemType=30 AND ListType=30 AND ExtraId=$CatId"; $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); } function &AddPost($PosterAlias,$Pending, $PostingText, $Subject="") { global $objUsers,$objSession, $objCatList; $u =& $objSession->CurrentUser; if (is_object($u)) { $posts = (int)$u->GetPersistantVariable("bb_posts"); $posts++; $u->SetPersistantVariable("bb_posts",$posts); } $p = New clsPosting(NULL); $p->Set(array("PosterAlias", "Pending", "PostingText", "TopicId"), array($PosterAlias, $Pending, str_replace("env=".$objSession->GetSessionKey(), "env=",$PostingText), $this->Get("TopicId"))); $p->Set("IPAddress",$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $p->Set("CreatedOn",adodb_date("U")); if (is_object($u)) { $p->Set("CreatedById",$u->Get("PortalUserId")); } if(strlen($Subject)) { $p->Set("Subject",$Subject); } $p->Create(); $this->Increment("Posts"); $this->Set(array("Modified", "ModifiedById"), array(adodb_mktime(), $objSession->Get("PortalUserId"))); $this->Set("LastPostId",$p->Get("PostingId")); $this->Set("LastPostDate",$p->Get("CreatedOn")); $this->Update(); $this->UpdateCategoryPostCount(); if($this->Get("NotifyOwnerOnChanges")) { $this->SendUserEventMail("POST.ADD",$this->Get("OwnerId")); } if (is_object($u)) { $this->SendUserEventMail("POST.ADD",$u->Get("PortalUserId")); } $this->SendAdminEventMail("POST.ADD"); $CategoryId = $this->Get("CategoryId"); if(!is_numeric($CategoryId)) $CategoryId = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); return $p; } function GetLastPostId() { $sql = "SELECT PostingId FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Posting WHERE TopicId=".$this->Get("TopicId"); $sql .= " ORDER BY CreatedOn DESC LIMIT 1"; $rs = $this->adodbConnection->Execute($sql); if($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $ret = $rs->fields["PostingId"]; } else $ret = 0; return $ret; } function CopyToNewResource($TargetCat = NULL,$NameField="") { $OldTopicId = $this->Get("TopicId"); parent::CopyToNewResource($TargetCat,$NameField); $p = new clsPostingList(); $p->TopicID = $OldTopicId; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$p->SourceTable." WHERE TopicId=$OldTopicId "; $p->Query_Item($sql,-1,-1); if($p->NumItems()>0) { foreach($p->Items as $post) { $post->Set("TopicId",$this->Get("TopicId")); $post->UnsetIdField(); $post->Create(); } $this->Set("Posts",$p->NumItems()); } } function SetTodayPosts($IncrementBy) { $DateNow = adodb_date('Y-m-d', adodb_mktime() ); $LastTodayDate = $this->Get('TodayDate'); $TodayPosts = ($DateNow == $LastTodayDate) ? $this->Get('TodayPosts') : 0; $TodayPosts += $IncrementBy; $this->Set('TodayDate', $DateNow); $this->Set('TodayPosts', $TodayPosts); $this->Update(); } } class _clsTopicList extends clsCatItemList { //var $Page; var $CategoryID; var $Permissions; // var $PerPageVar; function _clsTopicList($CatID=NULL) { global $objSession,$bb_var_list; $this->clsCatItemList(); $this->Prefix = 'bb'; $this->classname="clsTopic"; $this->SourceTable = GetTablePrefix()."Topic"; $this->Page = $bb_var_list["tp"]; $this->BasePermission="TOPIC"; $this->PerPageVar = "Perpage_Topics"; $this->PageEnvar="bb_var_list_update"; $this->PageEnvarIndex = "tp"; $this->PerPageVarLong = "Perpage_Topics"; $this->PerPageShortVar = "Perpage_Topics_Short"; $this->AddSortField('Topic_SortField','Topic_SortOrder'); $this->AddSortField('Topic_SortField2','Topic_SortOrder2'); $this->ItemType = TYPE_TOPIC; if( isset($CatID) ) $this->CategoryID = $CatID; $this->AdminSearchFields = array('TopicText','PostedBy'); } function SaveNewPage() { global $bb_var_list; $bb_var_list["tp"] = $this->Page; } function GetHotValue() { global $objConfig; $ado = &GetADODBConnection(); $sql = "SELECT Views FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Topic ORDER BY Views DESC LIMIT 0,".$objConfig->Get("Topic_MaxHotNumber"); $rs = $ado->Execute($sql); $hot_val = 0; while ($rs && !$rs->EOF) { if ($rs->fields['Views'] > 0) { $hot_val = $rs->fields['Views']; } $rs->MoveNext(); } return $hot_val; } function GetPopValue() { global $PopValues,$objConfig, $objSystemCache; if( isset($PopValues['topic']) && is_numeric($PopValues['topic']) ) { return $PopValues['topic']; } else { $PopValues['topic'] = $objConfig->Get('Topic_MinPopRating'); /*$CachedValue = $objSystemCache->GetValue("TopicPopValue","inbulletin",""); if(strlen($CachedValue)) { $PopValues["topic"] = $CachedValue; return $CachedValue; } $ado = &GetADODBConnection(); $sql = "SELECT CachedRating FROM ".GetTablePrefix()."Topic WHERE CachedVotesQty > ".(int)$objConfig->Get("Topic_MinPopVotes")." ORDER BY CachedRating DESC,CachedVotesQty DESC LIMIT 0,".(int)$objConfig->Get("Topic_MinPopRating"); $rs = $ado->Execute($sql); $PopValues["topic"] = 0; while($rs && !$rs->EOF) { $PopValues["topic"] = $rs->fields["Views"]; $rs->MoveNext(); }*/ $objSystemCache->EditCacheItem('TopicPopValue',$PopValues['topic'],'inbulletin',adodb_mktime()+3600,''); return $PopValues['topic']; } } function HasPermission($PermissionName) { global $objSession,$objCatList; if($this->CategoryID==0) { $this->CategoryID=$objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); } $cat =& $objCatList->GetCategory($this->CategoryID); if(is_object($cat)) { return ($cat->HasPermission($PermissionName,$objSession->Get("GroupId"))); } else return FALSE; } function &Add_Topic($TopicText, $CategoryId, $Status, $Pick, $OwnerNotify,$CreatedOn, $UserID = null, $add_fields = null, $auto_filename = 1, $filename = '') { // $add_fields - additional fields global $objSession,$objUsers; $t = new clsTopic(NULL); // $filename = $t->StripDisallowed($filename); $t->tablename = $this->SourceTable; $u = $objUsers->GetItem( isset($UserID) ? $UserID : $objSession->Get("PortalUserId") ); $t->Set(array("TopicText", "OwnerId", "TopicType","Status","PostedBy","EditorsPick", "NotifyOwnerOnChanges","CreatedOn", 'AutomaticFilename'), array(str_replace("env=".$objSession->GetSessionKey(), "env=",$TopicText), $u->Get("PortalUserId"), 1,$Status,$u->Get("Login"),$Pick, $OwnerNotify, $CreatedOn, $auto_filename)); if( isset($add_fields) ) foreach($add_fields as $field => $value) $t->Set($field, $value); $t->Create(); $t->AddToCategory($CategoryId); $t->SendUserEventMail("TOPIC.ADD",$u->Get("PortalUserId")); $t->SendAdminEventMail("TOPIC.ADD"); return $t; } function LockTopic($TopicId) { $p = $this->GetItem($TopicId); $p->Set("TopicType", 0); $p->Update(); return $p; } function &Edit_Topic($TopicId,$TopicSubject,$User,$Status,$Pick, $New,$Hot,$Pop, $OwnerNotify,$CreatedOn,$ModifiedOn, $Rating, $Votes, $Views, $Priority=0,$PostedBy="", $IsLocked = 0, $auto_filename = 1, $filename = '') { global $objUsers, $objSession; $p = $this->GetItem($TopicId); // $filename = $p->StripDisallowed($filename); if(!strlen($PostedBy)) { $PostedByUser = $objUsers->GetUser($User); if(is_object($PostedByUser)) { $PostedBy = $PostedByUser->Get("Login"); } else { if($User==-1) { $PostedBy="Admin"; } else $PostedBy=""; } } if ($IsLocked == 1) { $TopicType = 0; } else { $TopicType = 1; } $p->Set(array("TopicText","ModifiedById","Status", "EditorsPick","NewItem","HotItem","PopItem", "NotifyOwnerOnChanges","CreatedOn","Modified", "CachedRating","CachedVotesQty", "Views","Priority","PostedBy", "TopicType", 'AutomaticFilename'), array(str_replace("env=".$objSession->GetSessionKey(), "env=", $TopicSubject),$User,$Status,$Pick,$New,$Hot,$Pop, $OwnerNotify,$CreatedOn,$ModifiedOn,$Rating,$Votes,$Views, $Priority,$PostedBy, $TopicType, $auto_filename)); $p->Update(); if($p->Get("NotifyOwnerOnChanges")) { $p->SendUserEventMail("TOPIC.MODIFY",$p->Get("OwnerId")); } $p->SendAdminEventMail("TOPIC.MODIFY"); return $p; } function PasteFromClipboard($TargetCat) { global $objSession,$objCatList, $objPostingList; $clip = $objSession->GetVariable("ClipBoard"); if(strlen($clip)) { $ClipBoard = ParseClipboard($clip); $IsCopy = (substr($ClipBoard["command"],0,4)=="COPY") || ($ClipBoard["source"] == $TargetCat); $item_ids = explode(",",$ClipBoard["ids"]); for($i=0;$iGetItem($item_ids[$i]); if(!$IsCopy) { $item->MoveToCategory($ClipBoard["source"],$TargetCat); $clip = str_replace("CUT","COPY",$clip); $objSession->SetVariable("ClipBoard",$clip); } else { if($ClipBoard["source"]==$TargetCat) { $item->CopyToNewResource($TargetCat,"TopicText"); $item->AddToCategory($TargetCat); } else { $CatCount = $item->CategoryMemberCount(); if($CatCount==0) { $item->AddToCategory($TargetCat); } else { $item->CopyToNewResource($TargetCat,"TopicText"); $item->AddToCategory($TargetCat); } } } } } } function CountPending() { return TableCount($this->SourceTable,"Status=".STATUS_PENDING,0); } function LoadTopics($where="",$orderBy = "", $JoinCats=TRUE,$SkipClear=FALSE,$fix_method = 'set_first') { global $objConfig; if(!$SkipClear) $this->Clear(); $limit = $this->GetPageLimitSQL(); $this->QueryItemCount=TableCount($this->SourceTable,$where,$JoinCats); return $this->Query_Topic($where,$orderBy,$limit, $JoinCats, $fix_method); } function Query_Topic($whereClause,$orderByClause=NULL,$limit=NULL, $JoinCats=TRUE, $fix_method = 'set_first') { global $objSession, $Errors; if($JoinCats) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable." INNER JOIN ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems ON ".GetTablePrefix()."CategoryItems.ItemResourceId=". $this->SourceTable.".ResourceId"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->SourceTable; } if(isset($whereClause)) $sql = sprintf('%s WHERE %s',$sql,$whereClause); if(isset($orderByClause) && strlen(trim($orderByClause))>0) { $sql .= " ".$orderByClause; } if($objSession->HasSystemPermission("DEBUG.LIST")) echo htmlentities($sql,ENT_NOQUOTES)."
\n"; return $this->Query_Item($sql,null, $fix_method); } function &GetCurrentTopic() { global $bb_var_list; $t =& $this->GetItem($bb_var_list["top"]); return $t; } function CurrentTopicID() { global $bb_var_list; return $bb_var_list["top"]; } function LoadTopicsCategory($attribs) { global $objCatList, $objSession, $objConfig, $objPermissions; $OrderBy =''; $CatId = $attribs['_catid']; if(!is_numeric($CatId)) $CatId = $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); if(!$CatId && (int)$attribs['_useroot']) $CatId = (int)$objConfig->Get('Topic_Root'); $this->CategoryID=$CatId; $this->Clear(); $limit = $this->GetPageLimitSQL(); if($objSession->HasCatPermission('TOPIC.VIEW',$CatId)) { $sort_field = trim( $objSession->GetPersistantVariable('Topic_SortField') ); if( !strlen($sort_field) ) $sort_field = trim($objConfig->Get('Topic_SortField')); if($sort_field) { $OrderBy = 'Priority DESC, '.$sort_field.' '. $objSession->GetPersistantVariable('Topic_SortOrder'); } else $OrderBy = 'Priority DESC'; $pre = GetTablePrefix(); $s = $this->SourceTable; $sql = 'SELECT '.$s.'.*,lp.PosterAlias as LastPoster,lp.CreatedOn as PLastPostDate FROM '.$s.' INNER JOIN '.$pre.'CategoryItems ON ('.$pre.'CategoryItems.ItemResourceId='.$s.'.ResourceId) '; $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$pre.'Posting as lp ON (lp.PostingId='.$s.'.LastPostId) WHERE '; $where = 'CategoryId = '.$CatId.' AND '.$s.'.Status = 1 '; $sql .= $where; $this->QueryItemCount=QueryCount($sql); if (($sort_field != 'LastPoster') && ($sort_field != 'LastPostDate')) { $use_table = TRUE; } else { $use_table = FALSE; } //echo "$sort_field: $use_table
"; $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE, TRUE, $use_table); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; //echo 'TopicList SQL: '.$sql.'
'; return $this->Query_Item($sql); } } function CategoryCount($attribs=array()) { global $objItemTypes; if(is_numeric($attribs["_itemtype"])) { $item = $objItemTypes->GetItem($attribs["_itemtype"]); } else $item = $objItemTypes->GetTypeByName($attribs["_itemtype"]); if($item->Get("ItemType") != 30) { return parent::CategoryCount($attribs); } else { global $objPostingList; return $objPostingList->CategoryCount($attribs); } } function SqlGlobalCount($attribs=array()) { global $objSession, $objItemTypes,$objPermissions, $objCatList; //$old_cat=$objCatList->CurrentCategoryID() if(is_numeric($attribs['_itemtype'])) { $item = $objItemTypes->GetItem($attribs['_itemtype']); } else { $item = $objItemTypes->GetTypeByName($attribs['_itemtype']); } $t = $this->SourceTable; $acl = $objSession->GetACLClause(); $cattable = GetTablePrefix().'CategoryItems'; $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix().'Category'; $ptable = GetTablePrefix().'PermCache'; $VIEW = $objPermissions->GetPermId('TOPIC.VIEW'); $where = ''; $today = adodb_mktime(0,0,0,adodb_date('m'),adodb_date('d'),adodb_date('Y')); if($item->Get('ItemType') == $this->ItemType) { // count topics in current category & it's subcategories if($attribs['_today']) { $where = 'AND ('.$t.'.CreatedOn >= '.$today.')'; } $sql = "SELECT count(*) as CacheVal FROM $t INNER JOIN $cattable ON ($cattable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId) INNER JOIN $CategoryTable ON ($CategoryTable.CategoryId=$cattable.CategoryId) INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($cattable.CategoryId=$ptable.CategoryId) WHERE ($acl AND PermId=$VIEW AND $cattable.PrimaryCat=1 AND $CategoryTable.Status=1) AND FIND_IN_SET(".$objCatList->CurrentCategoryID().", REPlACE(ParentPath,'|',',')) $where"; return $sql; } elseif($item->Get('ItemType') == 30) { // counting post here if (getArrayValue($attribs, '_today')) { $where = 'AND ('.$t.'. TodayDate = \''.adodb_date('Y-m-d', $today).'\')'; $CountField = 'TodayPosts'; } else { $CountField = 'Posts'; } $sql = "SELECT SUM($CountField) as CachedVal FROM $t "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $cattable ON ($cattable.ItemResourceId=$t.ResourceId) "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $CategoryTable ON ($CategoryTable.CategoryId=$cattable.CategoryId) "; $sql .="INNER JOIN $ptable ON ($cattable.CategoryId=$ptable.CategoryId) "; $sql .="WHERE ($acl AND PermId=$VIEW AND $cattable.PrimaryCat=1 AND $CategoryTable.Status=1) "; $sql .=" AND ($t.Status=1) AND FIND_IN_SET(".$objCatList->CurrentCategoryID().", REPlACE(ParentPath,'|',',')) $where"; //echo "Posts count sql: $sql
"; return $sql; } } function DoGlobalCount($attribs) { global $objItemTypes; if(is_numeric($attribs["_itemtype"])) { $item = $objItemTypes->GetItem($attribs["_itemtype"]); } else $item = $objItemTypes->GetTypeByName($attribs["_itemtype"]); // ItemType: 30 - Posts, 3 - Topics if($item->Get("ItemType") != 30) { return parent::DoGlobalCount($attribs); } else { global $objPostingList; //echo "PostsCount: ".$objPostingList->DoGlobalCount($attribs)."
"; return $objPostingList->DoGlobalCount($attribs); } } function CacheListExtraId($ListType) { if( !strlen($ListType) ) $ListType = '_'; switch($ListType) { case '_': global $objCatList; return $objCatList->CurrentCategoryID(); break; default: return parent::CacheListExtraId($ListType); break; } return $ExtraId; } function SqlMyItems($attribs=array()) { global $objSession; if(getArrayValue($attribs,'_shortlist')) { $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageShortVar; } else $this->PerPageVar = $this->PerPageVarLong; $TableName = $this->SourceTable; $where = " ".$TableName.".Status>0 AND ".$TableName.".OwnerId=".$objSession->Get("PortalUserId"); if(getArrayValue($attribs,'_today')) { $today = adodb_mktime(0,0,0,adodb_date("m"),adodb_date("d"),adodb_date("Y")); $where .= " AND ($TableName.CreatedOn>=$today)"; } $CategoryTable = GetTablePrefix()."Category"; $sql = "SELECT $TableName.*,$CategoryTable.CategoryId,$CategoryTable.CachedNavBar FROM $TableName "; $p = $this->BasePermission.".VIEW"; $sql .= $this->GetJoinedSQL($p,null,$where); // maybe null will be CategoryId someday $OrderBy = $this->QueryOrderByClause(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); $sql .= " ".$OrderBy; return $sql; } function ResetCache($CategoryId) { global $objCountCache; $db =& GetADODBConnection(); $sql = 'SELECT ParentPath FROM '.GetTablePrefix().'Category WHERE CategoryId = '.$CategoryId; $parents = $db->GetOne($sql); $parents = substr($parents,1,strlen($parents)-2); $parents = explode('|',$parents); foreach($parents as $ParentCategoryId) { $objCountCache->DeleteValue('_', TYPE_TOPIC, $ParentCategoryId, 0); // total topic count $objCountCache->DeleteValue('_', TYPE_TOPIC, $ParentCategoryId, 1); // total } } } /*clsTopicList*/ ?>