
First you should start with the base setup of your server environment.
In-Portal can be effectively run on any UNIX/Linux or Windows platforms.

If you don't have a hosting account (virtual/shared or dedicated) yet
you should setup one.

If you are looking to setup the environment your own, below is the list of resources:

HOWTO setup LAMP (Apache/PHP/MySQL on Linux) ->

* Apache					->
* MySQL						->
* PHP						->

* WAMP Server (for Windows)	->

Additional Resources/tools:

* eAccelerator (optional)	->
* Zend Optimizer (optional)	->
* phpMyAdmin (optional)		->


* PHP 4.3.9 and higher with memory_limit = 24M
* Apache 1.3.X and higher or Microsoft IIS 5.0 and higher
* MySQL 4.1.11 and higher

You MUST ensure that PHP has been compiled with support for
MySQL in order to run In-Portal.

While In-Portal works on IIS server we recommend Apache
for running In-Portal on Windows.


* PHP 4.3.9 and higher. It is recommended to use the latest stable release of PHP.
	The following PHP extensions are recommended:
		* GD – image handling library; (or ImageMagic)
        * FreeType – required for CAPTCHA;
		* Regular Expressions support;
        * Zlib compression – required to decrease the amount of transferred data;
		* Memcache - interface to highly effective caching daemon.

* PHP enabled web server:
	Apache (recommended) 1.3.X and higher. The system also runs successfully on Apache 2.X;
    MS IIS 5.0 or 6.0. PHP should be installed as ISAPI.

* MySQL version 4.1.11 and higher is recommended. To work with MySQL properly,
the system requires the MySQL support for PHP to be installed;

* eAccelerator or Zend Optimizer 3.0 (or higher) is recommended for high traffic websites.

* Memory limit:
	memory_limit = 24M - minimum amount of PHP memory required by the system core.
	memory_limit = 32M - recommended amount of PHP memory.

This parameter can be changed:
	1. by editing the file php.ini directly;
	2. from within a script by calling ini_set("memory_limit", "32M");
	3. in the file .htaccess using the directive: php_value memory_limit 32M.


If you want support for Search Engine Friendly URLs, you'll need
mod_rewrite Apache module to be installed and the ability to use local .htaccess file.


1. DOWNLOAD In-Portal

	a. You can obtain the latest In-Portal release and modules from

	b. Copy the tar.gz (or zip) file(s) into a working directory e.g.

		$ cp in-portal_X_X_X.tar.gz to /tmp/in-portal/

		If you want to install additional modules like In-Link, In-Bulletin or In-News
		you can do so by downloading and copying them following the same rules.

		Note that these modules are optional and will provide additional
		functionality to your website.

		For example:

		$ cp in-link_X_X_X.tar.gz to /tmp
		$ cp in-newz_X_X_X.tar.gz to /tmp
		$ cp in-bulletin_X_X_X.tar.gz to /tmp

	c. Change to the working directory e.g.

		$ cd /tmp

	d. Extract the files e.g.

		$ tar -zxvf in-portal_X_X_X.tar.gz

		Optional module(s):

			$ tar -zxvf in-link_X_X_X.tar.gz
			$ tar -zxvf in-bulletin_X_X_X.tar.gz
			$ tar -zxvf in-newz_X_X_X.tar.gz

		This will automatically create /tmp/in-portal folder and extract all
		In-Portal (and modules) files and directories inside.
		As a result inside /tmp/in-portal you should have:

		- admin/
		- core/
		- system/
		- themes/
		- tools/
		- index.php
		- other LICENSE and README files

		You should see modules specific folders (ie. in-link, in-news, in-bulletin)
		in case if they were downloaded and extracted.

	e. Move the contents of that directory into a directory within
	your web server's document root or your public HTML directory e.g.

		$ mv /tmp/in-portal/* /var/www/html

	ALTERNATIVELY if you downloaded the file(s) to your computer and unpacked
	it locally use a FTP program to upload all files to your server.
	Make sure all PHP, HTML, CSS, XML and JS files are sent in ASCII mode and
	image files (GIF, JPG, PNG) in BINARY mode.

	You can use FileZilla if you don't have any FTP program


In-Portal will currently only work with MySQL. In the following examples,
"db_user" is an example MySQL user which has the CREATE and GRANT
privileges. You will need to use the appropriate user name for your

NOTE that you can skip to the next step if you already have both
a database and user setup.

There are two ways doing it:

1. Use your WEB CONTROL PANEL such as Plesk or cPanel (or other)
or phpMyAdmin to create a database for In-Portal

	a. Create a new database for your In-Portal site. Let's call it

	b. Create a new database user for newly added 'inportal' database
	for your In-Portal site e.g.

2. Do it by hand which requires a bit more work:

	a. Create a new database for your In-Portal site e.g.

		$ mysqladmin -u db_user -p create inportal

	MySQL will prompt for the 'db_user' database password and then create
	the database.

	b. Next you must login and set the access database rights e.g.

		$ mysql -u db_user -p

	Again, you will be asked for the 'db_user' database password.

	c. Grant permissions

	At the MySQL prompt, enter following command:

			TO yourdbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


	'inportal' is the name of your database
	'yourdbuser@localhost' is the userid of your webserver MySQL account
	'password' is the password required to log in as the MySQL user

	If successful, MySQL will reply with

		Query OK, 0 rows affected

	d. Activate new permissions by entering the command

		flush privileges;

	e. Exit MySQL prompt by typing



Now you ready to proceed with web installation of In-Portal.
In your browser open

will guide you through the rest of the installation.

Once installation completed you should have /system/config.php file
created in the root folder of your In-Portal installation.

In some rare cases servers might be configured the way when
WEB INSTALLATION fails to create /system/config.php. In this case
and you'll have to manually

	a. copy /tools/config.php-dist file into the /system subfolder
	of your In-Portal installation.

	b. rename it from config.php-dist to config.php. Make sure you
	do NOT have config.php already and if you do rename original one
	to something like config.bak.php. Later you can delete old one once
	installation completed successfully.

	c. change permission on config.php to 777 permission. This is
	necessary for the time of installation.

	d. open config.php, carefully put in your database information
	and save it.

	e. now you proceed to installation again.

4. CONFIGURE In-Portal

You can now launch your browser and point it to your In-Portal site e.g.

	Front ->
	Admin ->

You can log into Admin using the username 'root' along with the
password that you chose during the web based installation process.


Upon a new installation, your In-Portal website defaults to a very basic

Use Admin->Configuration section to configure your website and much more.

Feel free to ask questions on Community forums available via

Thank you for installing In-Portal and Welcome on board!

In-Portal Community