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".'boundary="----='.$this->TextBoundary.'"'.$this->LF(); //$this->Body .= $this->LF(); $this->Body .= '------='.$this->EmailBoundary.$this->LF(); $this->Body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain;'.$this->LF()." ".'charset="'.$this->Charset.'"'.$this->LF(); $this->Body .= $this->LF(); $this->Body .= $not_html.$this->LF().$this->LF(); $this->Body .= '------='.$this->EmailBoundary.$this->LF(); $this->Body .= 'Content-Type: text/html;'.$this->LF()." 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".'charset="'.$this->Charset.'"'.$this->LF(); $this->Body .= 'Content-Disposition: inline'.$this->LF(); $this->Body .= $this->LF(); $this->Body .= $not_html.$this->LF().$this->LF(); }else{ //$this->BodyText = str_replace("\r", "", $this->BodyText); //$this->BodyText = str_replace("\n", $this->LF(), $this->BodyText); $this->Body = $not_html; } } } function setCharset($charset){ $this->Charset = $charset; $this->Compiled = false; } function setLineFeed($linefeed){ $this->LineFeed=$linefeed; } function attachFile($filepath, $mime="application/octet-stream"){ if(is_file($filepath)){ $file_info = array('path'=>$filepath, 'mime'=>$mime); $this->Files[] = $file_info; }else{ die('File "'.$filepath.'" not exist...'."\n"); } $this->IsMultipart = true; $this->Compiled = false; } function LF($str=''){ $str = str_replace("\n", "", $str); $str = str_replace("\r", "", $str); return $str.$this->LineFeed; } function getContentType(){ $content_type=""; if ($this->IsMultipart){ $content_type .= $this->LF('multipart/alternative;'); $content_type .= $this->LF(" ".'boundary="----='.$this->EmailBoundary.'"'); }else{ $content_type .= $this->LF('text/plain;'); $content_type .= $this->LF(" ".'charset='.$this->Charset); } return $content_type; } // ======================================== function compileHeaders(){ $this->Headers=""; // $this->Headers .= "From: ".$this->LF($this->From); //if ($this->ReplyTo){ // $this->Headers .= "Reply-To: ".$this->ReplyTo.$this->LF(); //} //$this->Headers .= "To: ".$this->LF($this->To); //$this->Headers .= "Subject: ".$this->LF($this->Subject); /* if (sizeof($this->CC)){ $this->Headers .= "Cc: "; foreach ($this->Cc as $key => $addr){ $this->Headers.=$this->LF($addr.','); } } if (sizeof($this->BCC)){ $this->Headers .= "Bcc: "; foreach ($this->BCC as $key => $addr){ $this->Headers.=$this->LF($addr.','); } } */ foreach ($this->HeadersArray as $key => $val){ if ($key=="To" || $key=="") continue; // avoid duplicate "To" field in headers if (is_array($val)){ $val = chunk_split(implode(', ', $val),72, $this->LF().' 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Typically, your domain/hostname $params['auth'] = TRUE; // Whether to use basic authentication or not $params['user'] = $user; // Username for authentication $params['pass'] = $pass; // Password for authentication $params['debug'] = 1; if ($auth_used == 0){ $params['authmethod'] = 'NOAUTH'; // forse disabling auth } $send_params['recipients'] = array($this->To); // The recipients (can be multiple) $send_params['headers'] = array( 'From: '.$this->HeadersArray['From'], // Headers 'To: '.$this->HeadersArray['To'], 'Subject: '.$this->HeadersArray['Subject'], 'Content-type: '.$this->getContentType(), $this->getBody(), ); $send_params['from'] = $this->From; // This is used as in the MAIL FROM: cmd // It should end up as the Return-Path: header $send_params['body']="\n"; if($smtp_object->connect($params) && $smtp_object->send($send_params)){ return true; }else { if (defined('DEBUG_MODE')){ global $debugger; $debugger->appendHTML('
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