Database Name - name of the database where In-Portal will be installed.
Database User Name - name of the user for selected database.
Database User Password - password for selected username.
Database Collation - character set used to store data in text fields (normally "utf8_general_ci").
Prefix for Table Names - specified when multiple scripts will be run in the same database. Prefix can be any text string allowed in table naming by your database engine (normally "inp_").
Use existing In-Portal installation setup in this Database - select "Yes" if you already have In-Portal installed in this database and want to use it. Select "No" in all other cases.
]]>In-Portal is copyrighted and distributed under GPLv2 license.
GPL / Open Source License - by downloading and installing In-Portal under GPLv2 license you understand and agree to all terms of the GPLv2 license.
Upload License File - if you have obtained Commercial Modules or Support from Intechnic you will be provided with a license file, upload it here.
Use Existing License - if a valid license has been detected on your server, you can choose this option and continue the installation process.
]]>In-Portal is copyrighted and distributed under GPLv2 license.
GPL / Open Source License - by downloading and installing In-Portal under GPLv2 license you understand and agree to all terms of GPLv2 license.
Download from Intechnic Servers - if you have obtained Commercial Modules or Support from Intechnic you will be provided with a license, specify your Username and Password in order to download the license.
]]>The Other option can be used to install In-Portal other custom domains. Note that your web server should match entered domain name.
]]>Once installation is completed it's highly recommented to create additional users with admin privlidges.
]]>Additional In-Portal Modules can be found and downloaded here.
While In-Portal Community constantly works on improving In-Portal by creating new functionality and releasing new modules we are always looking for new ideas and Your help so we can make In-Portal even better software!
]]>In case if you see a Failure notice saying that In-Portal Installation cannot continue until all permissions are set correctly please continue reading below.
Permissions can be set by using FTP program or directly in shell running "chmod" command. Please refer to the following guide to learn how to set permissions using your FTP program. In case if you have access to shell in your account you can simply run files located in /tools folder or do
# chmod -R 777 ../system ../themes ../system/config.php
Security reasons you will be asked to change permissions back to 755 on /system/config.php file and root / folder of In-Portal on the last step of this installation process!
]]>Once your In-Portal is installed you can login into Admin Console to change these and other settings. The Configuration section is located in main navigation menu.
Additional Recommendations:
1. Use Cron (UNIX/BSD/Linux) or Task Scheduler (Windows) to run Regular Events in your In-Portal.
It's highly recommended to setup your cron to run every minute so all system events that are enabled will run in the background based on their schedule. These events can be managed in Admin Console via Configuration -> Website -> Agents section.
In-Portal cron file is located in /tools/cron.php folder and can be setup using hosting Control Panel or manually. In Plesk or CPanel interfaces use dialog to add a new cron job and specify the following (use correct paths)
/absolute/path/to/bin/php -f /absolute/path/to/in-portal/tools/cron.php
2. Adjust Agents
As was explained in the previous recommendation there is a Configuration -> Website -> Agents section where you can control Events triggered by the system. These events do their job to cleanup the data, old image files, check the data integrity, RSS feeds and other processes required for your In-Portal to run efficiently. We do recommend to review and enable/disable these events based on your website needs.
3. Set Mail Server
It's recommended to review and adjust your mail server settings once your In-Portal is up and running. This can be done in Admin Console under Configuration -> Website -> Advanced section.
We strongly recommend carefully reviewing and adjusting all settings under Configuration -> Website section!
]]>You can manage your themes in Admin Console under Configuration -> Website -> Themes section.
Additional themes are available on Support & Downloads section on website
]]>1. Write Permissions Check - checks whether critical In-Portal files are open for the outside world and can be used by hackers to attack your websites. You won't be able to continue until you correctly set these permissions!
2. Ability to Execute PHP in Writable Folders - checks if hackers can save and execute PHP files in your /system folder used for the uploads.While it's recommended to adjust these settings you can continue In-Portal Installation without changing them.
3. Webserver PHP Configuration - additional suggestions how to make your website even more secure. While it's recommended to adjust these settings you can continue In-Portal Installation without changing them.
]]>Feel free to visit for support, latest news and module updates.
Please make sure to clean your Browser's Cache if you were performing the upgrade.
]]>Upgrade In-Portal - available when you upload files from new In-Portal release into your current installation. Upgrade scripts will run and upgrade your current In-Portal database to the uploaded version.
Reinstall In-Portal - cleans out your existing In-Portal database and starts with a fresh installation. Note that this operation cannot be undone and no backups are made! Use at your own risk.
Install In-Portal to a New Database - keeps the existing installation and installs In-Portal to a new database. If this option is selected you will be prompted for new database configuration information.
Update License Information - used to update your In-Portal license data. Select this option if you have modified your licensing status with Intechnic (obtained commercial support or module), or you have received new license data via email.
Update Database Configuration - allows you to update your current database configuration variables such as database server host, username, password and others.
Update Installation Paths - should be used when the location of your In-Portal files has changed. For example, if you moved them from one folder to another. It will update all settings and ensure In-Portal is operational at the new location.
]]>If you would like In-Portal to use a table prefix, enter it in the field provided. This prefix can be any text which can be used in the names of tables on your system. The characters entered in this field are placed before the names of the tables used by In-Portal. For example, if you enter "inp_" into the prefix field, the table named Category will be named inp_Category.