
Project Contributors:
* Alexander Obuhovich
* Dmitry Andrejev
* Andrew Kucheriavy
* Phil Banks
* Konstantin Tjuterev
* Sergey Grib
* Gleb Kozlov
* Stas Filipov
* Nikita Filatov
* Erik Snarski
* Ilya Bernshteyn
* Valentin Poddubnyak
* Vjacheslav Vishnjakov
* Pavel Kharitonov
* Gene Averbuch
* David Chen
* Stoyan Vlaikov
* Chis Walker
* Maris Kocins
* John Aba
* Paul Korenevesky
* Anya Nikogosian
* Katia Seidametova
* Peter Droppa
* Eugene Hohlov
* Sergey Mesropyan
* Franck Nussbaumer aka side
* Aleksey Mlokits
* Andrey Isaev
* Anton Zotov
* Arnis Pridans
* Arvids Godjuks
* Denis Badulin
* Dmitrijs Trofimosvs
* Eldar Sharafudinov
* Elena Panova
* Erik Harcev
* Grigorij Pilipenko
* Igor Savinov
* Ivan Vasiljev
* Konstantin Kotchetkov
* Max Voronin
* Maxim Sakuta
* Nikita Dukhovny
* Pavel Veretennikov
* Vadim Upesleja
* Valentin Garkavy
* Victor Grjaznov
* Vladimit Pashedko
* Yaroslav Goncharuck

In-Portal is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

A full text version of the GNU GPL version 2 can be found
in the LICENSE file. A full text version of the other licenses
that In-Portal includes can be found in LICENSES file.