<?php /** * @version $Id: affiliate_payments_event_handler.php 14257 2011-03-16 21:41:19Z alex $ * @package In-Commerce * @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved. * @license Commercial License * This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. * Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program, * or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, * and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law * See http://www.in-portal.org/commercial-license for copyright notices and details. */ defined('FULL_PATH') or die('restricted access!'); class AffiliatePaymentsEventHandler extends kDBEventHandler { /** * Enter description here... * * @param kDBItem $object * @param kEvent $event */ function prepareObject(&$object, &$event) { if($event->Special == 'log') return false; $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo(); $parent_object =& $this->Application->recallObject($parent_info['ParentPrefix']); $options = $object->getFieldOptions('PaymentTypeId'); if($parent_object->isLoaded()) { $options['default'] = $parent_object->GetDBField('PaymentTypeId'); $object->SetDBField('PaymentTypeId', $parent_object->GetDBField('PaymentTypeId')); } if($this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_event') != 'OnNew' && $this->Application->GetVar($event->Prefix_Special.'_event') != 'OnCreate') { $options['options'][0] = ''; } $object->setFieldOptions('PaymentTypeId', $options); } /** * Set's fields based on affiliate currently beeing edited * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnNew(&$event) { parent::OnNew($event); $affiliate =& $this->Application->recallObject('affil'); $object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) ); $object->SetDBField('Amount', $affiliate->GetDBField('AmountToPay') ); $object->SetDBField('AffiliateId', $affiliate->GetID() ); } /** * Set's day of payment for newly created payments * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnBeforeItemCreate(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload'=>true) ); } /** * Updates Affiliate Record On Successfuly payment creation * * @param kEvent $event */ function OnAfterItemCreate(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject( Array('skip_autoload' => true) ); $parent_info = $object->getLinkedInfo(); $sql = 'SELECT MAX(PaymentDate) FROM '.$object->TableName.' WHERE '.$parent_info['ParentTableKey'].' = '.$parent_info['ParentId']; $payment_date = $this->Conn->GetOne($sql); $amount_payed = $object->GetDBField('Amount'); $affiliate =& $this->Application->recallObject('affil'); $affiliate->SetDBField( 'AmountToPay', $affiliate->GetDBField('AmountToPay') - $amount_payed ); $affiliate->SetDBField('LastPaymentDate_date', $payment_date); $affiliate->SetDBField('LastPaymentDate_time', $payment_date); $affiliate->Update(); } function SetCustomQuery(&$event) { $object =& $event->getObject(); if($event->Special == 'log') { $object->removeFilter('parent_filter'); } $types = $event->getEventParam('types'); if ($types=='my_payments') { $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'); $object->removeFilter('parent_filter'); $object->addFilter('my_payments', 'au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id); } if ($types=='myvisitororders') { $user_id = $this->Application->RecallVar('user_id'); $object->addFilter('myitems_orders','ord.OrderId IS NOT NULL'); $object->addFilter('myitems_user1','au.PortalUserId = '.$user_id); $object->addFilter('myitems_user2','au.PortalUserId > 0'); } } }