<?php /** * @version $Id: verisign_pflink.php 14257 2011-03-16 21:41:19Z alex $ * @package In-Commerce * @copyright Copyright (C) 1997 - 2009 Intechnic. All rights reserved. * @license Commercial License * This software is protected by copyright law and international treaties. * Unauthorized reproduction or unlicensed usage of the code of this program, * or any portion of it may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, * and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law * See http://www.in-portal.org/commercial-license for copyright notices and details. */ require_once GW_CLASS_PATH.'/gw_base.php'; $class_name = 'kVerisignPfLinkGW'; // for automatic installation class kVerisignPfLinkGW extends kGWBase { function InstallData() { $data = array( 'Gateway' => Array('Name' => 'Verisign Payflow Link', 'ClassName' => 'kVerisignPfLinkGW', 'ClassFile' => 'verisign_pflink.php', 'RequireCCFields' => 0), 'ConfigFields' => Array( 'submit_url' => Array('Name' => 'Submit URL', 'Type' => 'text', 'ValueList' => '', 'Default' => 'https://payments.verisign.com/payflowlink'), 'login' => Array('Name' => 'Login', 'Type' => 'text', 'ValueList' => '', 'Default' => ''), 'partner' => Array('Name' => 'Partner', 'Type' => 'text', 'ValueList' => '', 'Default' => ''), 'transaction_type' => Array('Name' => 'Transaction Type (S/A)', 'Type' => 'text', 'ValueList' => '', 'Default' => 'S'), 'shipping_control' => Array('Name' => 'Shipping Control', 'Type' => 'select', 'ValueList' => '3=la_CreditDirect,4=la_CreditPreAuthorize', 'Default' => '3'), ) ); return $data; } /** * Returns payment form submit url * * @param Array $gw_params gateway params from payment type config * @return string */ function getFormAction($gw_params) { return $gw_params['submit_url']; } /** * Processed input data and convets it to fields understandable by gateway * * @param Array $item_data * @param Array $tag_params additional params for gateway passed through tag * @param Array $gw_params gateway params from payment type config * @return Array */ function getHiddenFields($item_data, $tag_params, $gw_params) { $params['LOGIN'] = $gw_params['login']; $params['PARTNER'] = $gw_params['partner']; $params['TYPE'] = $gw_params['transaction_type']; $params['AMOUNT'] = $item_data['TotalAmount']; $billing_email = $item_data['BillingEmail']; if (!$billing_email) { $billing_email = $this->Conn->GetOne(' SELECT Email FROM '.$this->Application->getUnitOption('u', 'TableName').' WHERE PortalUserId = '.$this->Application->RecallVar('user_id')); } $params['NAME'] = $item_data['BillingTo']; $params['PHONE'] = $item_data['BillingPhone']; $params['ADDRESS'] = $item_data['BillingAddress1'] . ' ' . $item_data['BillingAddress2']; $params['CITY'] = $item_data['BillingCity']; $params['ZIP'] = $item_data['BillingZip']; $params['COUNTRY'] = $item_data['BillingCountry']; $params['EMAIL'] = $billing_email; $params['COMMENT1'] = ''; $params['DESCRIPTION'] = 'Order #'.$item_data['OrderNumber']; $params['INVOICE'] = $item_data['OrderNumber']; $params['CUSTID'] = $item_data['PortalUserId']; $params['USER1'] = $item_data['OrderId']; $params['USER2'] = $this->Application->GetSID(); return $params; } function processNotification($gw_params) { $result = $this->parseGWResponce($_POST); $session =& $this->Application->recallObject('Session'); $session->SID = $_POST['USER2']; $order_id = $this->Conn->GetOne('SELECT OrderId FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'Orders WHERE OrderId = '.$_POST['USER1']); $this->Application->SetVar('ord_id', $order_id); $order =& $this->Application->recallObject('ord'); $order->Load($order_id); define('ADMIN', 1); if (!$this->Application->GetVar('silent')) { if ($result['RESULT'] == '0') { $this->Application->Redirect('in-commerce/checkout/checkout_success', array('pass'=>'m', 'm_cat_id'=>0), '_FRONT_END_', 'index.php'); } else { $this->Application->StoreVar('gw_error', $this->getErrorMsg()); $this->Application->Redirect('in-commerce/checkout/billing', array('pass'=>'m', 'm_cat_id'=>0), '_FRONT_END_', 'index.php'); } } return $result['RESULT'] == '0' ? 1 : 0; } function parseGWResponce($res) { $this->parsed_responce = $res; return $res; } function getGWResponce() { return serialize($this->parsed_responce); } function getErrorMsg() { $msg = $this->parsed_responce['RESPMSG']; if (!$msg) { if ($this->parsed_responce['RESULT'] != '0') { $msg = 'Transaction failed'; } } return $msg; } }