Fixes #0000327: Check Licensing and Installation Steps for External Links
Bug #0000188: Find and remove all places where reffered to "/kernel" folder
1. Fixes #0000180: Add "Security Check" Step to Installation process.
2. Iframe in thickbox windows was 1px lower, then window as the result vertical scrollbar was overlapping with bottom border of window.
3. Bug #0000073: In-Portal CMS No Color in Header (missed SQL data for skins).
4. ADMIN_DIRECTORY constant converted from safeDefine to define.
1. Bug #0000143: Update after Installation Message about Permissions.
2. Depricated HTML tag <font> replaced with appropriate <div> tag.
3. Bug #0000168: Remove "update_memory_check_script" function.
1. Fixes #0000143: Update after Installation Message about Permissions
2. Incorrect message asking to set 775 instead of 755 permissions.
Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')
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