Bug INP-1827 - Connect a testing framework
Fixes INP-1881 - Change default Debugger URL handler to PhpStorm
Merge (5.3.x > 5.2.x): * [backported] Fixes INP-1883 - Rework URL-encoding in Debugger Report file URLs
Fixes INP-1882 - Rework URL-encoding in Debugger Report file URLs
Fixes INP-1872 - Properly handle constant absence during category cache rebuild
Bug INP-1725 - Introduce secure Session Key generation/storage
Fixes MINC-202 - Fix currency selection in Site Domain scenario
Bug INP-1858 - HTML-escape data in Admin Console grids
Fixes INP-1858 - HTML-escape data in Admin Console grids
Fixes INP-1857 - Prevent recursion in the "\kUrlManager::show404" method
Bug INP-1856 - Make cookies unavailable via the "kApplication::GetVar" calls
Fixes INP-1856 - Make cookies unavailable via the "kApplication::GetVar" calls
Fixes INP-1851 - Log file upload meta-information as part of the Request Data
Fixes INP-1849 - Ignore non-string Mod-Rewrite URL during URL parsing
Fixes INP-1846 - Escape Request URI in the System Log
Merging from 5.2.x to 5.3.x
Fixes INP-1879 - Adjust Phabricator URL to use SSL
Fixes INP-1725 - Introduce secure Session Key generation/storage
[backported] Fixes INP-1756 - Create "Security*" classes for security-related jobs
Fixes INP-1756 - Create "Security*" classes for security-related jobs
Fixes INP-1871 - Properly dispose session during logout workflow
Fixes INP-1870 - Save the session to the database immediately after the user login
Fixes INP-1869 - Add vendor autoloader support for Class Locator
Fixes INP-1867 - Remove the MySQL password warning from Phing DB dumps
Fixes INP-1866 - Verify SSL certificate on cURL connections
Fixes INP-1864 - Require Username on the Login Form
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