
Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few minutes ago
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Creating "In-Portal" module for versions before 5.0.0.

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  1. … 5841 more files in changeset.

Testing version 1.1 of svn_hook.php script.

1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.

2. Movable block tolerance changed to "pointer" - makes easier to drop when dragging between left and right columns.


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Bug #0000105: Language pack cleanup - get rid of "la_fld_*Id" phrases


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.

2. JavaScript error (on left frame width save attempt) fixed, when F5 was pressed in administrative console.


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000137: Section Title in Catalog and HTML Title contain HTML

2. It was a bad idea to escape html entities in section title, because it seems, there are cases, when some code specially places HTML into section title to extend it's behavior.


1. Fixes #0000134: Add "Wiki" Url to Language pack Export/Import parameters

2. Text, shown in title preset was not html escaped, fixed too.


  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000024: Advanced Site Configurator: Create Unit Configs


  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000052: Preventing Data loss from Temporarily tables


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000125: Javascript cycle "for (index in array)" is used for arrays - replace with normal "for (index = 0; i < array.length; i++)"


Fixes #0000096: Modal Windows and Pop-ups Editing Interfaces (still beta, needs to be tested)


  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000128: Add event, that is called when grid page is changed


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes #0000127: Add jQuery-style "each" function Grid and Array classes


Fixes #0000126: Add ability to hook to all events of given prefix in javascript


1. Fixes #0000123: Upload formatter option "direct_links" is ignored in "inp_edit_swf_upload" block

2. incorrect css class for block "inp_edit_fck"


Fixes #0000122: JavaScript warning related to "related.parentNode", when selecting data in date picker


Fixes #0000051: Improvements to Duplicate Submit checks


Fixes #0000112: Ability to remove swfuploader object


Fixes #0000113: FCKEditor behavior, when ENTER is pressed


Fixes #0000024: Create Unit Configs


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

Bug #0000024: Create Unit Configs


  1. … 25 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000099: Category Name not shown in List and Other pages


  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000110: Request variable "skip_last_template" has no affect, when placed after tags, that can perform redirect


Fixes #0000042: Vertical scrollbar, when content block edit window is opened on Front-End


1. New "IconDisabledURL" added to Language table.

2. Tag "m_elseif" was incorrectly compiled to php.

3. Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms.


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000089: Session expiration doesn't happen in admin.

2. Width of overlay div shown during ajax requests is now also updated, when window is resized.

3. Function maximizeElement (javascript) now also updates maximized control size on window resize.

4. "Tools -> Query Database" section now uses correct class for column header (class was missing before this fix).

5. Fixed warning about missing 'login_template' parameter for m_RequireLogin tag (in kPermissionHelper::getPermissionTemplate method).


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000017: Session Expiration check for Ajax requests


Fixes #0000078: Make Custom Fields Searchable


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000083: Ability to enter sql queries and phrases as custom field options.

2. htmlspecialchars function (in javascript) wasn't applied on options added in MInput control (inp_edit_minput block).

3. Commented-out code removed from kModRewriteHelper class, because was proven, that code if uncommented doesn't provide any upgrade to current url parsing functionality. In other words - all works without it in all cases.


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  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000070: FCKEditor integration fixes

2. Optimized "inp_fckconfig.js" - it now only contains changed lines, not a copy of "fckconfig.js" as before.

3. FCKEditor upgraded from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4


  1. … 143 more files in changeset.