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Creating "In-Portal" module for versions before 5.0.0.

  1. … 5853 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules


  1. … 254 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000089: Session expiration doesn't happen in admin.

2. Width of overlay div shown during ajax requests is now also updated, when window is resized.

3. Function maximizeElement (javascript) now also updates maximized control size on window resize.

4. "Tools -> Query Database" section now uses correct class for column header (class was missing before this fix).

5. Fixed warning about missing 'login_template' parameter for m_RequireLogin tag (in kPermissionHelper::getPermissionTemplate method).


  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Tag "kDBTagProcessor::SelectParam" now also skips parameter value, when it's equals to "0" (zero).

1. Fixed bug, when "extra_toolbar" (in head frame) stays from "catalog" section and was not replaced by Front-End "extra_toolbar" when using "View in browse mode" functionality from category item grid (like links).

2. Opening form tag was missing on tree template in admin.

3. #27461 - Admin: Browse Modes -> Section Properties for Items

4. Now c_CategoryLink tag builds link to category using it's path as template, not actual design template as before (as result was have identical links in menu and in category listing).

5. New method kEventManager::openerStackChange for changing last element of current window's opener stack.

6. Don't autocreate missing system pages, when user browses to them, like design pages (because they could intensionally not created in structure via .smsignore file).

7. Correct category id is now passed, when going to 404 not found and no permission tempalates.

8. Incorrect element template was used for article in category displaying.

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.

1. #27328 - Admin: FCK Editor doesn't Load for Textarea in FF3

2. New parameter "force_admin" for m_TemplatesBase tag gives ability to create link to admin from Front-End

3. Last template, when browsing through site in frame was not saved when visiting admin next time.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

1. export in new catalog fixed

2. openSelector fixed, now it really uses given url as form.action during submit

3. added ability to specify onAfterOpenPopup callback for open_popup function

4. new unit config option: PassPriority, used to sort prefixes in "env" variable in links

5. new tag abstract tag ModifyUnitConfig, used as addition to OnAfterConfigRead, but is called only when combined_header is used

6. fixed problem, when events from GET were not passed, when empty event names were presetnt in POST

7. SelectParam helper method changed, now it can be used as tag: selects 1st parameter, that has value from given parameter names

8. category sorting by priority is only applied in admin (now it's not forced) and in CachedMenu tag

9. tag c_HomeCategory added to return home category, because not it's Content (id > 0), not 0, as before.

10. fixed "SaveWarning" tag for categories. now it is displayed during category editing.

11. Virtual fields shown in grid are now skipped from search, when they doesn't have corresponding calculated fields

12. Missing email events (found in language pack, but not found in db) are now skipped without rising sql error.

13. new parameters perm_prefix and perm_event added to combined_header block. They as used during permission checking.

14. new parameter pagination_prefix added to combined_header block. It's used (when passed) as prefix for drawing upper pagination bar (usually in subitem lists).

  1. … 181 more files in changeset.

1. "Home" toolbar button in Catalog & in Catalog Item Selector now goes to Proj-CMS root category, not category with 0 id.

2. Fixed problem in new catalog selectors, where Categories tab was always visible in advanced view.

3. Theme selector added to catalog item selector too.

4. Path to primary category in advanced view was incorrect, because of ParentId field in Category table now has options formatter.

5. js function openSelector now also passes category

6. Firebug's console object is now also availible in iframes

7. proj-base/login.tpl now closes new-style opened pseudo-popups on session expiration

8. no_permission template in admin now also redirects to login template in case, when user is not logged in

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

TemplatesBase fix for duplicate "/" tags

#25407 - NParser Improvements for CMS Views

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Small optimization of compile process (from System Tools)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

#24714 - In-portal CMS (merging In-portal & Platform); catalog

#24714 - In-portal CMS (merging In-portal & Platform); icons

  1. … 106 more files in changeset.

New tag <inp2:m_PrintCurrentParams/> for printing parametes at current deep level (useful for debugging purposes).


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Nparser Cache - ALFA version commit

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

upgrade fix

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

in-b. 22062 , PageHitCounter

get counter value from template

      • empty log message ***

multibyte support

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.

User own password chaning - tempalte permission check fix, Expired session in popup fix - now tries to close all the popups and display login in main window

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
  • More
  • 9969
  • changed 7 files

Grid (limited heights, col-width resizing, coloring rows & columns), Freezer config option, trim="1" for tags, other misc.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

or comaring feature for if tag

new parser functionality related to comparing

  • More
  • 9841
  • changed 3 files

modrewrite-category fix

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
  • More
  • 9713
  • changed 4 files

imagesrc aggregation fixed !

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
  • More
  • 9581
  • changed 16 files

link files

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.

phrase tag advanced

      • empty log message ***