
Checkout Tools
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Fixes #0000144: Fatal on Step 3 for CSV Import for Links, Articles, Products


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes #0000024: Advanced Site Configurator: Create Unit Configs


  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000130: Ability to work with BMP image files


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000129: Misc NParser additions

2. Debugger design fix to support Firefox 3.5


Fixes #0000052: Preventing Data loss from Temporarily tables


  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000128: Add event, that is called when grid page is changed


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes #0000124: Improve database interaction code


Fixes #0000050: Improvements of CheckSimultaneousEdit functionality


Fixes #0000119: In mod-rewrite mode _default_ template not replaced for item with 0 id


Fixes #0000118: Strict errors are written to silent log (doesn't respect DBG_IGNORE_STRICT_ERRORS setting)


Fixes #0000117: Extra SQLs for Locale Selection


Fixes #0000108: Add "multiple" option to possible field options, when kOptionsFormatter is used (helps in search queries)


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000109: Error in database query syntax, when table aliases are used in "option_key_field" or "option_title_field" field options


1. Fixes #0000090: Sitemap Template is Broken.

2. PrintList2 tag wasn't passing parameters to MoreLink tag.

3. Block "more_link_elem" content was incorrect and this leaded to fatal error, when it was used.

4. Sitemap template was renamed from "site_map.tpl" to "sitemap.tpl", but references to it's old name in other templates were not.


  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules


    • -0
    • +12
    • -0
    • +12
  1. … 241 more files in changeset.

1. New "IconDisabledURL" added to Language table.

2. Tag "m_elseif" was incorrectly compiled to php.

3. Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms.


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000089: Session expiration doesn't happen in admin.

2. Width of overlay div shown during ajax requests is now also updated, when window is resized.

3. Function maximizeElement (javascript) now also updates maximized control size on window resize.

4. "Tools -> Query Database" section now uses correct class for column header (class was missing before this fix).

5. Fixed warning about missing 'login_template' parameter for m_RequireLogin tag (in kPermissionHelper::getPermissionTemplate method).


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Bug #0000069: Issues with "MoreLink" tag and "Data_Exists" param


1. Fixes #0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken.

2. Section and item detail templates were present in links on page, even if they could be automatically determined by category fields.


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000062: Remove depricated mod-rewrite parts

2. When default category item template is used (in category properties) and we are on this template on front-end, then all links to this template still contain it's name (in mod-rewrite mode only). In such case template name should be omitted from resulting url.

3. Fixed warning message in "kCategoryHelper::getCategoryModule". Message was shown, because array_intersect function was used inside array_shift function directly (temporary variable was not used).


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Fixes #0000041: User IP in UserSession table have value "" sometimes.

Problem happened, because extra fields (like IP address) were stored in Session object, and not in database. In "Session::SaveData" method additional fields were assumed as "non-changed" and were not written to database at all.


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000035: Minor Adjustments to Catalog Grids.

2. Fixed JS error on category edit -> permissions tab (data was loaded, but loading indicator was not hidden).

3. Pass through variables were passed (but they should not be passed), when item was edited from "Comments" (former "Reviews") section or from "User Edit -> Items" tab. This resulted in js error in case, when category item selector was used on that item editing template.

4. New category item permission checking scheme was normally working only in administrative console, that's why for front-end old permission checking scheme restored.

5. New "View in Browse Mode" icon added/used.


  1. … 9 more files in changeset.

1. Method "kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs" wasn't returning IDs, given using $direct_ids parameter.

2. Fixes #0000025: Non-root user can't use copy/cut/paste buttons in catalog.

3. Fixed "category status propagate" feature. Now it copies category StatusField value to all it's children. Before it was coping "Status" field value to all it's children, not "StatusField" field value, specified in unit config.


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes 0000031: Convert FCK "Internal Link Pointers" to Real URLs.

2. Fixes 0000032: SQL Error when using FCKEditor to edit textarea data.

3. In edit templates, where HTML isn't allowed, but multi line input is required 'allow_html="0"' added to inp_edit_textarea blocks.

4. Module root categories during installation were incorrectly sorted: "Products, Topics, News, Links" instead of "Links, News, Topics, Products".

5. Fixed "Preview" button in FCKEditor, when editing content blocks:

  • problems with non-latin character encoding in javascript
  • "Preview" button were not visible during content block editing, but was visible during category description editing, where it shouldn't.

    6. Method "CategoriesTagProcessor::_replacePageIds" moved to "CategoryHelper::replacePageIds" and can be used in any place, where required.

    7. Add new field option: "using_fck". When specified, then all "@@ID@@" occurences are replaced with actual structure page urls.



    • -11
    • +63
  1. … 22 more files in changeset.

Method "kDBEventHandler:getPassedID" failed to return correct ID, when "special" was used and method "kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs" was not called before it (like in OnEdit event).

1. Additional parameters to PrintList2 tag:

  • "limit" (input) - tells, how many of queried from database records should be actually displayed.
  • "num" (output) - record number (relative to queried record count).
  • "last_row" (output) - tells, that current record is located in last row (when printing records in table)

    2. "no_next_page_render_as" parameter added to PrintPages tag.

    3. GridInfo tag fixed, so it doesn't report, that pagination is required, when pagination is not used (per_page="-1" in InitList/PrintList tag).

Bug #0000009: Admin: Duplicate Link Checker.

1. Allows to use base64_encode function result as ID in grids.

2. Deprecated "adm_SaveReturnScript" tag removed.

3. When grid with special was used and event raised from grid (like OnPreCreate or OnNew) performed redirect, when first selected item ID was not passed in redirect link.

4. Private method "kCatDBEventHandler::_getMassPermissionEvents" added. Method allows category item event handlers to add own events to permission checking.


  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

Tag "kDBTagProcessor::SelectParam" now also skips parameter value, when it's equals to "0" (zero).

1. Method "kDBEventHandler::UseTempTables" wasn't getting actual main item's special when temp handler were deleting subitems.

2. Fixed bug in previous fix of JSONHelper class: strings were enclosed with single quotes, but single quotes were not escaped in string content.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. When item ID was 0 (new main item creation) method "kDBEventHandler::getPassedID" wasn't returning it. Though such ID was returned by "kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs", that was called later from "kDBEventHandler::getPassedID" method.

2. Foreign key value for subitem WITH SPECIAL wasn't set in kDBEventHandler::OnNew event and 2 warnings were shown.

3. Temp mode mark (<prefix_special>_mode variable) in method "kDBEventHandler::setTempWindowID" was not passed to item editing/creation window, when in both grid and item edit template special was used.

4. Fixed bug in "kDBTagProcessor::FieldVisible" resulting 2 warnings where VerifyPassword field visibility was checked. This is only virtual field, that doesn't exist in unit config and is created on the fly by kPasswordFormatter class.

5. Specials used in "events" request variable were stripped, before adding to "passed" request variable in method "kEventManager::ProcessRequest". Because of such behavior data associated with stripped specials (like temp mode mark and item's ID) were not available in "m_Link" tag used with 'pass="all"' parameter. Fixed by removing such stripping in administrative console only.

6. Prefix data passed in POST wasn't able to overwrite prefix data passed in GET in case, when special was used. This caused problems during item editing when special was used in grid and item edit template.

7. Missing "noimage.gif" image added.

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.