Fixes #0000557: Warning on shopping cart recalculations
Bug #0000362: We should move all module folders to new "modules" subfolder
Bug #0000049: Merge ConfigurationAdmin and ConfigurationValues table
Bug #0000107: Implement "MemCached" functionality
Bug #0000579: Ability to use PerPage, SortBy and Page params from URL Query
1. Bug #0000285: Translation system refactoring
Merge of "w/in-commerce/releases/5.0.2@13081" to "w/in-commerce/branches/5.1.x@12674".
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.2' (copy from 'branches/5.0.x') of 'w/in-commerce' module.
Deleting version 'releases/5.0.2' of 'w/in-commerce' module.
Bug #0000515: Prepare 5.0.2 Release
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.2-RC1' (copy from 'branches/5.0.x') of 'w/in-commerce' module.
Fixes #0000533: Problems during shipping zone editing in modal window mode
Fixes #517: On Shipping Types grid Status field options are shown as numbers
Releasing version 'releases/5.0.2-B2' (copy from 'branches/5.0.x') of 'w/in-commerce' module.
1. Bug #326: Review and Correct phrases/translations in "Redirect" template in Advanced theme
Bug #0000425: Check and fix issue with "Read-Only" mode
1. Bug #0000380: Repository Structure
1. Bug #0000011: Installation Fails with MySQL in Strict mode
Bug #0000251: Minor crop/fill problems in image processing
Bug #417: Some Admin Sections missing it's Header Images
1. Bug #167: Remove closing php tags in all files
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