Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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1. Fixes #0000123: Upload formatter option "direct_links" is ignored in "inp_edit_swf_upload" block

2. incorrect css class for block "inp_edit_fck"


1. Fixes 0000031: Convert FCK "Internal Link Pointers" to Real URLs.

2. Fixes 0000032: SQL Error when using FCKEditor to edit textarea data.

3. In edit templates, where HTML isn't allowed, but multi line input is required 'allow_html="0"' added to inp_edit_textarea blocks.

4. Module root categories during installation were incorrectly sorted: "Products, Topics, News, Links" instead of "Links, News, Topics, Products".

5. Fixed "Preview" button in FCKEditor, when editing content blocks:

  • problems with non-latin character encoding in javascript
  • "Preview" button were not visible during content block editing, but was visible during category description editing, where it shouldn't.

    6. Method "CategoriesTagProcessor::_replacePageIds" moved to "CategoryHelper::replacePageIds" and can be used in any place, where required.

    7. Add new field option: "using_fck". When specified, then all "@@ID@@" occurences are replaced with actual structure page urls.



  1. … 24 more files in changeset.

1. #27493 - Admin: Add Item on Advanced View

2. OnCancel event was called on "categories/categories_edit" template instead of "OnCancelEdit" resulting no temporary table was deleted.

3. Method kApplication::ConfigValue fixed. Now if variable value is present, but it has NULL as value, then such variable is not threated as missing and duplicate queries are performed.

TODO: replace all NULL values in ConfigurationValues table with default values based on variable type (0 for checkbox, empty string for text and so on)

4. Now kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs could also get IDs from new "ids" $event parameter, rather, then from request. Useful, when IDs are changed on kDBEventHandler::CheckPermission method (before actual event call).

5. Method CategoryHelper::getStructureTreeAsOptions added. Method provides ability to get all category structure as options for any dbitem field (like ParentId for categories and CategoryId for category items).

6. Method CustomFieldsEventHandler::_getHiddenFiels fixed. Now it doesn't given warning when editing category item, with no custom fields to show on general tab.

7. Fixed method kCatDBItem::MoveToCat. Now, when category item is in temp mode, then category manipulations are also made in temp tables.

8. Permission checking logic for categories and category items in temp table is changed. Now everything in temp tables for them is allowed. Permissions are checked only when Save button is pressed during main item (not subitem) editing. When user selected 5 items, but he can edit only 2 of them, then other 3 are automatically excluded from item edit form. When all of selected items are excluded, then user gets "no permission" screen. Same with "move up/down", "approve/decline" toolbar buttons.

9. Method CategoriesEventHandler::printChildren && CategoriesEventHandler::getChildren moved to CategoryHelper and now are used by new CategoryHelper::getStructureTreeAsOptions method. Some documentation added for other CategoryHelper methods.

10. Permission debugging information was not available in some of permission checking methods. That's why method kPermissionHelper::finalizePermissionCheck added. Method should be used in any place, when $event status should change to erPERM_FAIL.

11. Column filters on Category Edit -> Custom tab's grid were not working, because of incorrect grid name used (Default instead of SeparateTab).

12. Fixed title preset name in "products/products_access" template (was "pr", but should be "access").

13. Fixed incorrect pagination prefix in some templates.

14. Formatter added for OnSale field in Products table.

15. No permission template fixed, now it doesn't break catalog.

16. sections_list template fixed to use new blocks.

  1. … 29 more files in changeset.

1. Added submenu item in "Catalog -> Tools" menu for rebuilding priorities cache in current category

2. "View in Browse Mode" link is now hidden from catalog item selector.

3. Added missing js_escape parameter to phrases used in javascript in combined_header block.

4. Fixed bad automatic thickbox window positioning, when firebug or bookmark panel was opened (iframe was moving outside it's window).

5. New parameter $onAfterOpenPopup added for js functions: std_precreate_item, std_new_item, std_edit_temp_item.

6. inp_edit_box_ml block was used on non-multilanguage field (for prefix "skin", "test").

7. Improvements in installator & unit config reader for windows (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR was used insead of "/" that was hardcoded). Iproved file scanning operation performance.

8. Installation on linux failed on 2nd step, when config.php file was missing and attempt was made to check it's write permissions.

9. kDBConnection::doInsert method iproved, so it now can perform multiple record insert into same table using only one INSERT statement no matter what actual records will be inserted.

10. Removed unused code from kDBTagProcessor::PredefinedSearchOptions tag

11. Now grid filters are not affected by DefaultSettingUsedId configuration variable.

12. Fixed Debugger::netMatch method. Now it doesn't raise warnings every time, when compare 2 given ip addresses (not subnet masks as earlier).

13. Improved config file search engine, now it takes 1 second to scan all config file for all in-portal modules.

14. preg_match in kUnitConfigReader::configAllowed replaced with substr, that improved config file checking speed.

15. Fixed bug in "Content" removal in each category path (was not removed, when only Content was present in category path).

16. Fixed bug in ExportHelper, that asked item for ExportColumns field even, when such field was not available.

17. When installed on local domain (tested on windows), then paid modules were not available at all, but they should be available for installing.

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

1. Final ajustments to categories_edit template to work with site config field hiding engine.

2. Custom field options list made smaller.

3. no_special parameter added to inp_label block.

4. Some debug code removed from kApplication class.

5. Added tags FieldVisible and FieldsVisible to show/hide fields based on data from site configs.

6. Global template compiler (from system tools section) now works only with enabled themes.

7. Fixed some warning on import/export screen.

8. #27460 - Admin: Hide Fields & Sections marked in Site Configs

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.

Single quotes used in block definitions to prevent syntax highlighting problems in Zend.

1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it only makes harder to use block.

2. During window scroll thickbox window stays on screen center.

3. "no_editing" parameter now works even if used in block declaration.

4. Fixed incorrect element naming for block RenderElement tags resulting in incorrect "Edit" button template when dealing with nested block level RenderElement tags.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

1. Tag adm_TemplateMatches removed, because equals_to parameter does the same as equals_to parameter for m_if tag.

2. Simultanious edit message functionality.

3. New title_render_as parameter for combined_header block.

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.

1. New js hook "m:OnUploadersReady" added. Hook event is called, when all flash uploaders done initializing (flash completely loaded and can be manipulated on).

2. Fixed various incosistent with database structure unit configs.

3. Currency rates are updated using object, not just direct sql query, as before.

4. Checkout step box in default2009 theme was broken (fixed).

5. USPS integration fixes (like no error from usps were shown on Front-End, incorrect style used in both admin and front-end usps messages).

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.

2. Temp handler now can check, that record is being edited by someone else based on given ids (not only based on ids from current user's temp tables)

3. Fixed problem, when adding new language and there are errors on form, then all data from form is lost.

  1. … 175 more files in changeset.

1. export in new catalog fixed

2. openSelector fixed, now it really uses given url as form.action during submit

3. added ability to specify onAfterOpenPopup callback for open_popup function

4. new unit config option: PassPriority, used to sort prefixes in "env" variable in links

5. new tag abstract tag ModifyUnitConfig, used as addition to OnAfterConfigRead, but is called only when combined_header is used

6. fixed problem, when events from GET were not passed, when empty event names were presetnt in POST

7. SelectParam helper method changed, now it can be used as tag: selects 1st parameter, that has value from given parameter names

8. category sorting by priority is only applied in admin (now it's not forced) and in CachedMenu tag

9. tag c_HomeCategory added to return home category, because not it's Content (id > 0), not 0, as before.

10. fixed "SaveWarning" tag for categories. now it is displayed during category editing.

11. Virtual fields shown in grid are now skipped from search, when they doesn't have corresponding calculated fields

12. Missing email events (found in language pack, but not found in db) are now skipped without rising sql error.

13. new parameters perm_prefix and perm_event added to combined_header block. They as used during permission checking.

14. new parameter pagination_prefix added to combined_header block. It's used (when passed) as prefix for drawing upper pagination bar (usually in subitem lists).

  1. … 181 more files in changeset.

#26671 - Admin: Standardized Grids & Catalog

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.

swfupload 2.2.0

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

nl2br parameter in inp_label block

New "option_constrain" option for fields

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixed ParseBlocks to RenderElements in admin templates

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.

Fixed icon paths for swfuploader

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

#24714 - In-portal CMS (merging In-portal & Platform); groups

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

#24714 - In-portal CMS (merging In-portal & Platform); groups

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Show module background image only when "Proj-Base" module is not enabled (allows to preserve logo_bg.gif from in-portal inside "core" folder).

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

grid new features

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.

support for sorting in minput control

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
      • empty log message ***

combined_header block, new parameter: system_permission="1"

inp_edit_minput control in core

      • empty log message ***
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

missing block in core


  1. … 21 more files in changeset.

minor fixes

session log & change log

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.