Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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1. Fixes #0000015: Saving "Movable Blocks" in Layout Mode.

2. Movable block tolerance changed to "pointer" - makes easier to drop when dragging between left and right columns.


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000042: Vertical scrollbar, when content block edit window is opened on Front-End


1. Added submenu item in "Catalog -> Tools" menu for rebuilding priorities cache in current category

2. "View in Browse Mode" link is now hidden from catalog item selector.

3. Added missing js_escape parameter to phrases used in javascript in combined_header block.

4. Fixed bad automatic thickbox window positioning, when firebug or bookmark panel was opened (iframe was moving outside it's window).

5. New parameter $onAfterOpenPopup added for js functions: std_precreate_item, std_new_item, std_edit_temp_item.

6. inp_edit_box_ml block was used on non-multilanguage field (for prefix "skin", "test").

7. Improvements in installator & unit config reader for windows (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR was used insead of "/" that was hardcoded). Iproved file scanning operation performance.

8. Installation on linux failed on 2nd step, when config.php file was missing and attempt was made to check it's write permissions.

9. kDBConnection::doInsert method iproved, so it now can perform multiple record insert into same table using only one INSERT statement no matter what actual records will be inserted.

10. Removed unused code from kDBTagProcessor::PredefinedSearchOptions tag

11. Now grid filters are not affected by DefaultSettingUsedId configuration variable.

12. Fixed Debugger::netMatch method. Now it doesn't raise warnings every time, when compare 2 given ip addresses (not subnet masks as earlier).

13. Improved config file search engine, now it takes 1 second to scan all config file for all in-portal modules.

14. preg_match in kUnitConfigReader::configAllowed replaced with substr, that improved config file checking speed.

15. Fixed bug in "Content" removal in each category path (was not removed, when only Content was present in category path).

16. Fixed bug in ExportHelper, that asked item for ExportColumns field even, when such field was not available.

17. When installed on local domain (tested on windows), then paid modules were not available at all, but they should be available for installing.

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

1. Parameter title_render_as removed from combined_header block, because it only makes harder to use block.

2. During window scroll thickbox window stays on screen center.

3. "no_editing" parameter now works even if used in block declaration.

4. Fixed incorrect element naming for block RenderElement tags resulting in incorrect "Edit" button template when dealing with nested block level RenderElement tags.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

#27080 - Admin: Modal Windows (Improvements)

1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.

2. Temp handler now can check, that record is being edited by someone else based on given ids (not only based on ids from current user's temp tables)

3. Fixed problem, when adding new language and there are errors on form, then all data from form is lost.

  1. … 175 more files in changeset.

1. #26327 - Admin: Modal Windows

2. some blocks redesigned to match platform requirements

3. fixed some error reporting in javascript (in try-catch statements in 2 places)

4. jQuery upgraded to 1.3.2, added draggable and resizeable ui elements

5. fixed set_hidden_field problem on category images template (admin) when starting to add new image

6. search/search_reset buttons are now always visible even with toolbar button visibility restritions in effect

7. blocks grid_options_td and grid_date_td copied and adapted to proj-base/grid_blocks template

8. fixed duplicate wid recursiva addition to window name

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

1. ThickBox - fixed to work with jQuery 1.3+

2. Incorrect placement of m:OnAfterFormInit JS hook in upload_manager.js

3. "Browse" button position adjustement (in uploader) even with slow i-net connection

4. Upgrade script for skin (from 4.3.9 to 5.0.0)

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

#26671 - Admin: Standardized Grids & Catalog

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.

=== ++++ ===

  • Возможность передавать все параметры из блока в шаблон (через pass_params параметр).
  • К классу String (в JavaScript) добавлены методы toNumeric и trim.
  • Добавлен класс JSONHelper из проекта BegonijaASU.
  • Возможность убирания кнопок с панели инструментов шаблонов при помощи конфигурационного файла.

=== *** ===

  • В кеше секций теперь присудствует путь к шаблону, который ранее по ошибке стирался при его построении.
  • Метод Validate в классах kCatDBItem и CategoriesItem вызывался 2 раза, причём при первом его вызове изменения в OnBeforeItemCreate и OnBeforeItemUpdate событиях игнорировались.
  1. … 46 more files in changeset.