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Incorrect sql tabulation fixed in OnSuggestValues event

1. Fix in OnSuggestValues for Escape HTML entities (otherwise XML fails)

2. Added "limit" variable to number of returned records.

1. Fixed problem width textarea automatic height detection during form resize.

2. JS getFrame function fixed to support pseudo-popups.

3. new JS maximizeElement function for maximizing element till bottom of the window.

4. new method for detecting temp mode for prefix/special: kApplication::IsTempMode

5. new m_SetParam tag. Input parameter format same as form m_Set tag.

6. new parameter "language_id" for kApplication::EmailEventAdmin/EmailEventUser $send_params parameter. Allows to specify language to get event translation from.

7. New errors, that allows user to detect why email event was not sent (empty event translation before/after parsing).

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.

1. Path field was not used and was removed from Category table

2. TemplateExists now lowercases template name before checking on disk

3. System pages (in structure) now has same path creation logic, like virtual pages (based on their location in structure, not on disk)

4. Fixed admin section highlighting when browsing on Front-End through frame and st:EditPage tag is present on page

5. Correct category is passed in st:PageBrowseLink, not parent category id as before

6. Config cache was not rebuild, when changing module root category (e.g. for In-Link)

7. "Content" category removed from tag CategoryPath results

8. Misspelled category path (with "/" instead of "||") in template description.

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.

Merging "st" and "c" prefixes. Theme selector.

1. Theme selector for catalog/advanced_view

2. Catalog is now derived from "Content" category as Proj-CMS

3. Search box for category permission editor

4. yellow/red folder (small/super small) icons moved to core (from proj-cms)

5. getFrame hang up fix in all getFrame copies

6. Fixed 2 popups from System Tools section

7. added QuickCategoryPermissionRebuild configuration variable

8. missing OnResetSorting event permission mapping added

9. kDBBase::PrepareFieldOptions is now called only once per field

10. usage of undefined configuration variable "UseFileCache" in "cache.php"

11. cache variable cms_menu is now deleted together with StructureTree (in adm:OnResetCMSMenuCache event)

12. Fixed spelling error on $add_collation variable in kPermCacheUpdater::initData method (bug by Dima)

13. "menu" type added for category lists (<inp2:c_InitList types="menu" except="menu"/>) for showing/excluding menu items from category lists

14. During theme file rebuild files from disabled theme are not added to ThemeFiles table

15. Templates with .des.tpl and .elm.tpl extensions are skipped on structure creation step; also ".svn" directory is skipped

16. New parameter "additional_blue_bar_render_as" for block "combined_header" allows to specify block to render at right corner of blue bar.

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

#26671 - Admin: Standardized Grids & Catalog

  1. … 19 more files in changeset.

Invalid Dima's merge result fixed. When I say remove changes, then you can just copy over file version prior to your changes.

Removed EditorPick from DB_eh

Fix for applying EditorPick sorting based on ConfigValue (user's choise). Variable name and Sorting field + order moved to Units ConfigMaps.

  • При загрузке файла через SWFUpload в "/system/tmp" директорию также проверять, что фактическая директория, куда потом будет перемещён этот файл также доступна для записи.
  • Решена проблема с тем, что если динамически (напр. из [[EventHandler:OnBeforeItemCreate|OnBeforeItemCreate]] события) менять статус "обязательно к заполнению" у полей, для загрузки файлов, то в случае, когда файл не загружен не будет показываться сообщение об ошибке (но форма не будет закрываться как буд-то ошибка есть).
  • Исправлена ошибка при проверке прав на загрузку файлов через SWFUpload. Теперь можно загружать файлы даже к подчинённым префиксам и к префиксу "st", что небыло возможно ранее.
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Ability to set default per_page for lists via "default_per_page" tag/event parameter.

swfupload 2.2.0

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Added NEW ability to SetSorting method to define multiple Sorting options via "sort_by" for PrintList tag

permission fix during upload for subitem of category items

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Customizable OrderField for Grids (MoveUp/MoveDown) (Fix)

Customizable OrderField for Grids (MoveUp/MoveDown)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
      • empty log message ***

OnPreSaveSubItem event


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

more error reporting

404 fix

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

pre-release changes

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.

OnDeleteFile added to mapPermissions

swfuploader 2x (for uploading files larger then 1gb at low speed)

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
      • empty log message ***


  1. … 21 more files in changeset.

swf upload fix

auto-refresh in grids

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

session log & change log

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.


  1. … 14 more files in changeset.