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Creating "In-Portal" module for versions before 5.0.0.

    • -178
    • +0
    • -32
    • +0
  1. … 5841 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000129: Misc NParser additions

2. Debugger design fix to support Firefox 3.5


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000052: Preventing Data loss from Temporarily tables


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000050: Improvements of CheckSimultaneousEdit functionality


Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules


    • -2
    • +12
  1. … 241 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000089: Session expiration doesn't happen in admin.

2. Width of overlay div shown during ajax requests is now also updated, when window is resized.

3. Function maximizeElement (javascript) now also updates maximized control size on window resize.

4. "Tools -> Query Database" section now uses correct class for column header (class was missing before this fix).

5. Fixed warning about missing 'login_template' parameter for m_RequireLogin tag (in kPermissionHelper::getPermissionTemplate method).


  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes 0000031: Convert FCK "Internal Link Pointers" to Real URLs.

2. Fixes 0000032: SQL Error when using FCKEditor to edit textarea data.

3. In edit templates, where HTML isn't allowed, but multi line input is required 'allow_html="0"' added to inp_edit_textarea blocks.

4. Module root categories during installation were incorrectly sorted: "Products, Topics, News, Links" instead of "Links, News, Topics, Products".

5. Fixed "Preview" button in FCKEditor, when editing content blocks:

  • problems with non-latin character encoding in javascript
  • "Preview" button were not visible during content block editing, but was visible during category description editing, where it shouldn't.

    6. Method "CategoriesTagProcessor::_replacePageIds" moved to "CategoryHelper::replacePageIds" and can be used in any place, where required.

    7. Add new field option: "using_fck". When specified, then all "@@ID@@" occurences are replaced with actual structure page urls.



  1. … 23 more files in changeset.

1. When item ID was 0 (new main item creation) method "kDBEventHandler::getPassedID" wasn't returning it. Though such ID was returned by "kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs", that was called later from "kDBEventHandler::getPassedID" method.

2. Foreign key value for subitem WITH SPECIAL wasn't set in kDBEventHandler::OnNew event and 2 warnings were shown.

3. Temp mode mark (<prefix_special>_mode variable) in method "kDBEventHandler::setTempWindowID" was not passed to item editing/creation window, when in both grid and item edit template special was used.

4. Fixed bug in "kDBTagProcessor::FieldVisible" resulting 2 warnings where VerifyPassword field visibility was checked. This is only virtual field, that doesn't exist in unit config and is created on the fly by kPasswordFormatter class.

5. Specials used in "events" request variable were stripped, before adding to "passed" request variable in method "kEventManager::ProcessRequest". Because of such behavior data associated with stripped specials (like temp mode mark and item's ID) were not available in "m_Link" tag used with 'pass="all"' parameter. Fixed by removing such stripping in administrative console only.

6. Prefix data passed in POST wasn't able to overwrite prefix data passed in GET in case, when special was used. This caused problems during item editing when special was used in grid and item edit template.

7. Missing "noimage.gif" image added.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

1. Special "primary" added for "skin" prefix for easy primary skin accessing.

2. Fixed some issues with uploaded/resized image path building, when WriteableBase was "\system" on Windows.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.

1. Added submenu item in "Catalog -> Tools" menu for rebuilding priorities cache in current category

2. "View in Browse Mode" link is now hidden from catalog item selector.

3. Added missing js_escape parameter to phrases used in javascript in combined_header block.

4. Fixed bad automatic thickbox window positioning, when firebug or bookmark panel was opened (iframe was moving outside it's window).

5. New parameter $onAfterOpenPopup added for js functions: std_precreate_item, std_new_item, std_edit_temp_item.

6. inp_edit_box_ml block was used on non-multilanguage field (for prefix "skin", "test").

7. Improvements in installator & unit config reader for windows (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR was used insead of "/" that was hardcoded). Iproved file scanning operation performance.

8. Installation on linux failed on 2nd step, when config.php file was missing and attempt was made to check it's write permissions.

9. kDBConnection::doInsert method iproved, so it now can perform multiple record insert into same table using only one INSERT statement no matter what actual records will be inserted.

10. Removed unused code from kDBTagProcessor::PredefinedSearchOptions tag

11. Now grid filters are not affected by DefaultSettingUsedId configuration variable.

12. Fixed Debugger::netMatch method. Now it doesn't raise warnings every time, when compare 2 given ip addresses (not subnet masks as earlier).

13. Improved config file search engine, now it takes 1 second to scan all config file for all in-portal modules.

14. preg_match in kUnitConfigReader::configAllowed replaced with substr, that improved config file checking speed.

15. Fixed bug in "Content" removal in each category path (was not removed, when only Content was present in category path).

16. Fixed bug in ExportHelper, that asked item for ExportColumns field even, when such field was not available.

17. When installed on local domain (tested on windows), then paid modules were not available at all, but they should be available for installing.

  1. … 33 more files in changeset.

1. #27081 - Admin: Editor in Site Views fix

2. kDateFormatter doesn't create *_formatted virtual fields anymore.

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

1.Some changes in email sending helper:

a) added SetTo method (no need to use SetEncodedEmailHeader directly anymore)

b) DBG_EMAIL wasn't working, when AddCc and AddBcc methods were used.

2. both popups from "System Tools/Service" screen now have working "close window" links.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.

2. Temp handler now can check, that record is being edited by someone else based on given ids (not only based on ids from current user's temp tables)

3. Fixed problem, when adding new language and there are errors on form, then all data from form is lost.

  1. … 175 more files in changeset.

1. Path field was not used and was removed from Category table

2. TemplateExists now lowercases template name before checking on disk

3. System pages (in structure) now has same path creation logic, like virtual pages (based on their location in structure, not on disk)

4. Fixed admin section highlighting when browsing on Front-End through frame and st:EditPage tag is present on page

5. Correct category is passed in st:PageBrowseLink, not parent category id as before

6. Config cache was not rebuild, when changing module root category (e.g. for In-Link)

7. "Content" category removed from tag CategoryPath results

8. Misspelled category path (with "/" instead of "||") in template description.

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.

Merging "st" and "c" prefixes. Theme selector.

1. Theme selector for catalog/advanced_view

2. Catalog is now derived from "Content" category as Proj-CMS

3. Search box for category permission editor

4. yellow/red folder (small/super small) icons moved to core (from proj-cms)

5. getFrame hang up fix in all getFrame copies

6. Fixed 2 popups from System Tools section

7. added QuickCategoryPermissionRebuild configuration variable

8. missing OnResetSorting event permission mapping added

9. kDBBase::PrepareFieldOptions is now called only once per field

10. usage of undefined configuration variable "UseFileCache" in "cache.php"

11. cache variable cms_menu is now deleted together with StructureTree (in adm:OnResetCMSMenuCache event)

12. Fixed spelling error on $add_collation variable in kPermCacheUpdater::initData method (bug by Dima)

13. "menu" type added for category lists (<inp2:c_InitList types="menu" except="menu"/>) for showing/excluding menu items from category lists

14. During theme file rebuild files from disabled theme are not added to ThemeFiles table

15. Templates with .des.tpl and .elm.tpl extensions are skipped on structure creation step; also ".svn" directory is skipped

16. New parameter "additional_blue_bar_render_as" for block "combined_header" allows to specify block to render at right corner of blue bar.

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

#25354 - In-portal CMS: Advanced Site Configurator

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fix for Add Relationship for Categories and other pages involved AdminTemplatePath for Categories

=== ++++ ===

  • Возможность передавать все параметры из блока в шаблон (через pass_params параметр).
  • К классу String (в JavaScript) добавлены методы toNumeric и trim.
  • Добавлен класс JSONHelper из проекта BegonijaASU.
  • Возможность убирания кнопок с панели инструментов шаблонов при помощи конфигурационного файла.

=== *** ===

  • В кеше секций теперь присудствует путь к шаблону, который ранее по ошибке стирался при его построении.
  • Метод Validate в классах kCatDBItem и CategoriesItem вызывался 2 раза, причём при первом его вызове изменения в OnBeforeItemCreate и OnBeforeItemUpdate событиях игнорировались.
  1. … 45 more files in changeset.
  • При загрузке файла через SWFUpload в "/system/tmp" директорию также проверять, что фактическая директория, куда потом будет перемещён этот файл также доступна для записи.
  • Решена проблема с тем, что если динамически (напр. из [[EventHandler:OnBeforeItemCreate|OnBeforeItemCreate]] события) менять статус "обязательно к заполнению" у полей, для загрузки файлов, то в случае, когда файл не загружен не будет показываться сообщение об ошибке (но форма не будет закрываться как буд-то ошибка есть).
  • Исправлена ошибка при проверке прав на загрузку файлов через SWFUpload. Теперь можно загружать файлы даже к подчинённым префиксам и к префиксу "st", что небыло возможно ранее.
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Limit large kDBConnection::GetOne usage results to be fully shown in debugger report (standart limit: when > 200, then show first 50 only).

      • empty log message ***

DBG_EMAIL has no effect, when SetEncodedHeader was used. Fixed.

DBG_EMAIL option for debugger

#25407 - NParser Improvements for CMS Views

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

#25727 - Mailing Manager

  1. … 25 more files in changeset.

Debugger support jquery ajax requestes, highlight of large strings

New "img_size", "img_sizes" format for kUploadFormatter.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Automatically add ajax=yes (in kHTTPQuery), when ajax request is made from jQuery (rather, then changing jquery.js)

1. debugger works with jquery

2. support for fatal errors inside select elements

fix for case, when m_lang = default and kMultilanguage::LangFieldName is called