Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

1. ThickBox - fixed to work with jQuery 1.3+

2. Incorrect placement of m:OnAfterFormInit JS hook in upload_manager.js

3. "Browse" button position adjustement (in uploader) even with slow i-net connection

4. Upgrade script for skin (from 4.3.9 to 5.0.0)

Missing login_pending_disabled template copied & adapted from onlinestore theme. Phrases moved from In-Commerce to Core module.

Missing login_pending_disabled template copied & adapted from onlinestore theme.

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Field required check is now performed first and then other type, unique e.t.c. checks

#26671 - Admin: Standardized Grids & Catalog

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  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

#26809 - Admin: Functionality in HEAD frame

TemplatesBase fix for duplicate "/" tags

#26805 - Admin: Menu + Main frames Resizable

    • -0
    • +31

1. NULL support for Conn->doInsert & Conn->doUpdate methods

2. support for long (over 65KB) sql queries in above mentioned methods

1. "bgcolor" parameter value was ignored in st_ContentBlock tag resulting white background in fckeditor in all cases

2. missing section in "fck" prefix unit config resulted in no permission error in fck file browser.

New "m:OnAfterFormInit" js hook.

New "show_mode" for section definition: smNORMAL. This show mode constant and its handling to override sections (through SectionAdjustments) which are in smSUPER_ADMIN or smDEBUG by default, previously it was impossible (copied from "intechnic4").

    • -2
    • +2

Fix for images - "Default Image" will be shown when image file is missing from the filesystem, but Item still refers to it.

#25354 - In-portal CMS: Advanced Site Configurator

Fix in SpiltTags method for Windows vs. UNIX Line-endings

Double ";" in upgrades.sql file

Missing ";" in upgrades.sql file

Default parmeter values set from tag m_DefaultParam wasn't available from m_if tag (e.g. <inp2:m_if check="m_Param" ...)

Fix for Add Relationship for Categories and other pages involved AdminTemplatePath for Categories

Fix in percentage for CSV Export

#26625 - Admin "head" frame design

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  1. ./core/admin_templates/img/top_frame/icons
    • binary

1. #26626 - Admin: Toolbars in "head" frame

2. Missing popup size on custom field editing

3. edit_insides mark transformed into standalone EDITING_MODE_INSIDES mode

4. #26567 - Admin Catalog II (default sorting)

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    • +57

Spelling error corrected in Application object name.

    • -3
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Invalid Dima's merge result fixed. When I say remove changes, then you can just copy over file version prior to your changes.

Fix for "EditorPick" (added EditorsPick priority sorting to Forced if settings Item specific setting is enabled)

    • -0
    • +17

Removed EditorPick from DB_eh

pass_through parameter was not included in last_template session variable, but it should be included.

Fix for applying EditorPick sorting based on ConfigValue (user's choise). Variable name and Sorting field + order moved to Units ConfigMaps.

    • -2
    • +12

Correction for "Email Validation" - switched to using Constant REG Expr (defined core/kernel/constants.php) In-Portal-wide.

    • -3
    • +3

Fix for data_exists param in RenderElement correctly understand data_exists="0"