
Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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Now fallback logo is shown in case if login logo is missing. In that case styles fixed to match ones in head frame in admin.

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#27080 - Admin: Modal Windows (Improvements)

1. Simplified version of duplicate links grid. At least it looks like grid

2. Draggable elements in theme - js part is now done by jquery.ui sortable plugin.

1. #27332 - Admin: Add Item button is Missing on "Showing All" Grid

2. Fixed priority problem, when adding category from advanced view screen.

    • -0
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#27370 - Admin: Catalog-> White Space on Categories and Links tabs.

1. Fixed by using $(...).html() instead of ...innerHTML = ;

2. Fixed problem, when clicking on symlinked category in tree, then content of original (but not symlinked) category was shown in catalog.

    • -1
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Fixed bug in EditPickerHelper class with filter adding, when ambiguous column error was raised by mysql.

#27329 - Admin: Adding Relations to Category Item (ie. Product)

Fixed both places with relation adding and order item adding

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1. Fixed design for "save warning" message during category editing.

2. #13454 - Admin: Remove Option to Simple Search for NON-text Fields

3. #27369 - Admin: Grids + Catalog -> Remove Double Sorting

4. Double sorting arrow was shown event with UseDoubleSorting option disabled

5. When defined in unit config, then double sorting is applied, but no dobule sorting icon is shown in admin

6. Fixed permission checking during category relation edit template popup size query

7. Fixed missing closing DefineElement tag

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1. Tag adm_TemplateMatches removed, because equals_to parameter does the same as equals_to parameter for m_if tag.

2. Simultanious edit message functionality.

3. New title_render_as parameter for combined_header block.

  1. ./RC/core/admin_templates/themes/codepress/engines
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  2. … 45 more files in changeset.

Minor fixes for Admin Login

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Fix for Review Ratings

1.Some changes in email sending helper:

a) added SetTo method (no need to use SetEncodedEmailHeader directly anymore)

b) DBG_EMAIL wasn't working, when AddCc and AddBcc methods were used.

2. both popups from "System Tools/Service" screen now have working "close window" links.

    • -8
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Fallback image for Logo

1. Fixed permission error in Regional -> Email Events list when editing language with non-root user.

2. Some minor bugs in custom module fixed.

Incorrect sql tabulation fixed in OnSuggestValues event

    • -5
    • +5

Updated Login button to be ROUND in FF

    • -2
    • +16

Default In-Portal logo

    • binary

Redone Admin Login

    • -1
    • +1
    • binary
    • -73
    • +126

#27333 - Admin: Field with Primary Category on "Showing All"

    • -2
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    • -0
    • +10

1. #27328 - Admin: FCK Editor doesn't Load for Textarea in FF3

2. New parameter "force_admin" for m_TemplatesBase tag gives ability to create link to admin from Front-End

3. Last template, when browsing through site in frame was not saved when visiting admin next time.

    • -6
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    • -11
    • +32

1. Fix in OnSuggestValues for Escape HTML entities (otherwise XML fails)

2. Added "limit" variable to number of returned records.

    • -5
    • +11

#27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles

    • -5
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    • -12
    • +87

#27330 - Admin: Messed up Page Title

#27334 - Admin: Configuration-> Advanced Settings

    • -73
    • +73

1. some "Edit" buttons removed from "Navigation bar"

2. #27335 - Admin: Site Views -> Item is NOT Passed

1. New js hook "m:OnUploadersReady" added. Hook event is called, when all flash uploaders done initializing (flash completely loaded and can be manipulated on).

2. Fixed various incosistent with database structure unit configs.

3. Currency rates are updated using object, not just direct sql query, as before.

4. Checkout step box in default2009 theme was broken (fixed).

5. USPS integration fixes (like no error from usps were shown on Front-End, incorrect style used in both admin and front-end usps messages).

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cvsignore on usps labels folder

    • -1
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      • empty log message ***
    • -0
    • +1

1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.

2. Temp handler now can check, that record is being edited by someone else based on given ids (not only based on ids from current user's temp tables)

3. Fixed problem, when adding new language and there are errors on form, then all data from form is lost.

  1. … 161 more files in changeset.

#27263 - Admin: Left Menu

    • -10
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    • +64
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    • -1
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  1. … 17 more files in changeset.