Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
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Constraints: dates

Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. changing declaration of OnAfterConfigRead method to be PHP5 friendly


    • -1
    • +8

Fixes #0001156: Keeping Shopping Cart between Visits


    • -0
    • +34

Fixes #0000572: Refactor Currency Converter Class

Commit on behalf of Erik


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Bug #0001139: Ajax-based shopping cart

1. update discount total on discount change

2. update mini-cart in header on shop cart change


    • -2
    • +6

Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. ord_ShippingType tag raised warning when no shipping selected in order

2. pass order prefix to blocks called from ord_PrintTotals tag


    • -5
    • +18

Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. create user now working

2. new OrderHelper::getUserFields method created to return user fields based on order fields

3. user id wasn't set order's object after user login

4. some /* @var ... */ comments added


    • -14
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    • -21
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Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. new ShippingSubTotal calculated field in order to display shipping cost + insurance fee

2. notice fixed during shipping limitation calculation on empty order

3. parameter "payment_type_id" is now supported in all payment gateway related tags

4. tag ord_PrintTotals changed to allow displaying of an order discount

5. calculated fields were missing in ItemSQLs of payment type

6. added ability to load first enabled payment type, that has specific payment gateway name in settings


    • -6
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    • -36
    • +64

Fixes #0001175: Insurance Free not included into Shipping Cost on "Shipping" step


Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. set order BillingEmail field to current/just logged-in user's email (+compatibility with "advanced" theme)

2. ord_PrintShippings tag now displays header/footer again (was removed a few commits ago by mistake)


    • -14
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    • -0
    • +8

Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. added virtual ShippingTypeId field for orders

2. code formatting in shipping_tag_processor.php


Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. credit card type made not required

2. detect credit card type by it's number

3. credit card owner name made not required

4. detect credit card owner from billing name

5. payment type-specific custom fields are now marked with a specific CSS selector

6. new ord_AddressesTheSame tag for detecting that shipping address matches billing address


    • -4
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    • -1
    • +26

Fixes #0001166: Don't send ORDER.DENY E-mail for Incomplete Orders


    • -15
    • +21

Bug #0001133: One-step Checkout

1. order billing e-mail made required

2. order shipping phone made not required

3. password required when associated checkbox is checked


    • -12
    • +32

Fixes #0001174: Order shipping e-mail validation not working


Bug #0001139: Ajax-based shopping cart


Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. new "ord:ContinueShoppingLink" tag

2. fixed typo error in OrderCalculator class


    • -9
    • +6
    • -0
    • +23

Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. don't show "0" as unfinished review ID in Admin Console

2. move hidden fields outside of table, located in "scroll_container" div (prevents duplicate top border above that table)


    • -2
    • +3

Fixes #0001168: Affiliate user gets paid for non-affiliate orders from same payout period


Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. integrating currency selectors (in modern-store theme)


Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. adding missing license/FULL_PATH constant checks (against direct PHP file opening from web-browser)


    • -1
    • +3

Bug #0001024: Phrase type detection based on it's name


Fixes #0001144: Checking Affiliate during installation cause sql error

Commit on behalf of Erik


    • -8
    • +16

Bug #0001107: Logical changes on user registration/my profile forms


    • -2
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    • -1
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    • -17
    • +30

Bug #0000077: Remove "grid_float_range_filter" block

Commit on behalf of Erik


    • -32
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    • -1
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    • -6
    • +6
    • -1
    • +1

Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. making all rewrite and non-rewrite methods located into separate classes with shared interface


Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. fixed some PhpDoc comments, that were not matching their method declarations

2. fixed some grammatical errors

3. most of file system interations (where folder is scanned for a specific content) are replaced with DirectoryIterator (from SPL)


    • -1
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    • -52
    • +108
    • -12
    • +16
    • -4
    • +6

Bug #0001005: Incorrectly Detected BASE_PATH in Cron

Commit on behalf of Erik


Bug #0001077: Problems with category item import

Commit on behalf of Erik


    • -111
    • +111

Bug #0000392: Section renaming using "Section Properties" button causes one more section to be created


Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. fixing typo error in mapPermissions method comment


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