
Checkout Tools
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Fixes #0000327: Check Licensing and Installation Steps for External Links


  1. … 250 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000239: Replace "kApplication::IsAdmin" method with "kApplication::isAdmin" class attribute


  1. … 41 more files in changeset.

1. Bug #0000159: Prevent of Execution of System Files of files other, then "index.php" and "admin/index.php"

2. Adding DEFINED FULL_PATH security-check



  1. … 251 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000221: Final Changes in "Browse Modes"


  1. … 28 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000098: Redo Mod-Rewrite for Better Flexibility.

2. Fixes "kDBItem::Clear" method, so it's now really sets $id given to it.


  1. … 9 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000200: Improvements to Email Events - Functionality and Interfaces


  1. … 12 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000189: Changes in Options for "Section Template" field for Sections.

2. Implemented not exactly the way as planned, because administrator can change "Parent Section" from "Content" (top category, where "Inherit from Parent" option in "Template" field not available) to it's child section, where this option should be available. As a result I always show "Inherit from Parent" option, but when administrator manually selects "Inherit from Parent" in "Template" field and "Content" in "Parent Section" field and tries to save changes, I show him an error about that.


  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000188: Find and remove all places where reffered to "/kernel" folder


  1. … 17 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000027: Email validation during user registration


  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')

  1. … 1942 more files in changeset.