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1. Bug #0000230: Rearrange Helpers and Remove Deprecated Parsers

2. Move template.php into NParser


1. Bug #0000230: Rearrange Helpers and Remove Deprecated Parsers

2. Move template.php into NParser


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. Bug #0000159: Prevent of Execution of System Files of files other, then "index.php" and "admin/index.php"

2. Adding DEFINED FULL_PATH security-check



  1. … 248 more files in changeset.

1. Bug #0000182: In-Portal Security Checks and Updates.

2. Fix for TemplateParser class for In-Portal < v 4.3.9


1. Fixes #0000209: Escape and Limit all Environment variables passed in GET.

2. We already escape anything, that goes from request to database queries to prevent sql injections.

3. Add check for "../" (prevents going outside In-Portal directory) and for whitespace like symbols (makes sure, that ".tpl" is always added at the end of template name) in template names.


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes #0000188: Find and remove all places where reffered to "/kernel" folder


  1. … 17 more files in changeset.

Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')

  1. … 1938 more files in changeset.