Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

1. Fixes #0000013: Installation Fails due to size of SQL Data file.

2. Now it's possible to have sql files over 1MB in size. Only limitation is, that total query count in file should not be greater, then 50000.


Fixes #0000212: Additional SELECT SQL when loading Tab Counter in Admin Catalog


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1. Bug #0000199: Create a Switch between "Site Configs".

2. Forgot to add license, when file was created.


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Fixes #0000199: Create a Switch between "Site Configs"


  1. … 49 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000218: Error reporting in configuration sections is broken.

2. Implemented fully-featured configuration value validation during saving (just put serialized field option array into "Validation" field in ConfigurationAdmin table for given variable). Even "required" check works. Test on "SessionTimeout" variable.


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1. Bug #0000196: Change Location of Website Title in Header.

2. Changed to absolute div approach, that is more scalable.


1. Fixes #0000196: Change Location of Website Title in Header.

2. Decreased top padding by 5px.


1. Fixes #0000159: Prevent of Execution of System Files of files other, then "index.php" and "admin/index.php"

2. Added exclusion for Debugger


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1. Bug #0000159: Prevent of Execution of System Files of files other, then "index.php" and "admin/index.php"

2. Adding .htaccess


1. Fixes #0000196: Change Location of Website Title in Header.

2. Removed "SiteNameSubTitle" configuration variable, because it's content is now part of logo image in both login screen and administrative console.


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1. Fixes #0000201: Ability to set default width for each grid column after clean installation.

2. Done for "categories_config.php". Also removed leading "::" in design name.


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1. Bug #0000200: Improvements to Email Events - Functionality and Interfaces.

2. Forgot to export new phrases into language pack.


Fixes #0000205: Ability to Hide any of "Browse Modes" from loaded Site Configs


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Fixes #0000200: Improvements to Email Events - Functionality and Interfaces


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1. Fixes #0000208: Move "Time-zones" and "Session Expiration" settings to Website->General.

2. Don't try to send missing file in "kDBEventHandler::OnViewFile" event.


Fixes #0000214: Fix inconsistencies between database field declaration in unit configs


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Fixes #0000169: Template markup error message in Internet Explorer 8


Fixes #0000213: Flash uploader not shown on Front-End


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1. Fixes #0000210: "Browse Site" modes buttons are not working in Admin SSL mode.

2. Added ability to refresh whole administrative console after change of configuration variables.

3. Skin is now recompiled, when SSL modes are changed (SSL->NON-SSL and via versa). This prevents broken lock icon in browser.


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Bug #0000202: Cosmetic and Minor issues in Admin Interface


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1. Fixes #0000189: Changes in Options for "Section Template" field for Sections.

2. Implemented not exactly the way as planned, because administrator can change "Parent Section" from "Content" (top category, where "Inherit from Parent" option in "Template" field not available) to it's child section, where this option should be available. As a result I always show "Inherit from Parent" option, but when administrator manually selects "Inherit from Parent" in "Template" field and "Content" in "Parent Section" field and tries to save changes, I show him an error about that.


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1. Fixes #0000202: Cosmetic and Minor issues in Admin Interface.

2. Don't understand about font family change:

if "Path to Website" is variable name and "[10.01] Site_Path" is subtitle, then both (according to FireBug) are using same font. Besides that subtitle is visible only in debug mode.



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1. Fixes #0000209: Escape and Limit all Environment variables passed in GET.

2. We already escape anything, that goes from request to database queries to prevent sql injections.

3. Add check for "../" (prevents going outside In-Portal directory) and for whitespace like symbols (makes sure, that ".tpl" is always added at the end of template name) in template names.


1. Fixes #0000206: Change "Output Time" format in English Language pack

2. Moved la_col_AltName from In-Commerce to Core language packs (English)


Bug #0000194: Minor changes Site Configs for Projects setup

1. Minor visual changes in the drop-down options for "Section Template" field on Add/Edit Section.

2. Hiding Stylesheets section completely until we figure out what to do with it.


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1. Fixes #0000034: Update English lang. Pack

2. Fixes #0000183: Remove "Additional Headers" from all Email Events (Checked all Events, Removed Extra Headers and switched to HTML type)

3. Fixes #0000190: Not all Email Events are created during Installation (Checked all Events and Added Missing)




Fixes #0000193: Make Navigation Frame Resizable with default Installation


Fixes #0000161: Problems in case, when E-Mail is not required during user registration.

Making Email field REQUIRED


Fixes #0000191: Temporarily Hide "Spelling Dictionary" section in Admin


Bug #0000183: Remove "Additional Headers" from all Email Events (removed Priority from default install_data.sql)
