
Checkout Tools
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Creating "In-Portal" module for versions before 5.0.0.

  1. … 5855 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000103: Applying License to In-Portal and Modules


  1. … 255 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000060: Folder ".svn" is added as new theme, but it should not.

2. Skip ".svn" from FCK file browser.


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Theme id was not set, when attempt was made to show 404 page when incorrect url was used and mod-rewrite was on.

1. Fixed bug, when "extra_toolbar" (in head frame) stays from "catalog" section and was not replaced by Front-End "extra_toolbar" when using "View in browse mode" functionality from category item grid (like links).

2. Opening form tag was missing on tree template in admin.

3. #27461 - Admin: Browse Modes -> Section Properties for Items

4. Now c_CategoryLink tag builds link to category using it's path as template, not actual design template as before (as result was have identical links in menu and in category listing).

5. New method kEventManager::openerStackChange for changing last element of current window's opener stack.

6. Don't autocreate missing system pages, when user browses to them, like design pages (because they could intensionally not created in structure via .smsignore file).

7. Correct category id is now passed, when going to 404 not found and no permission tempalates.

8. Incorrect element template was used for article in category displaying.

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.

1. Tag adm_TemplateMatches removed, because equals_to parameter does the same as equals_to parameter for m_if tag.

2. Simultanious edit message functionality.

3. New title_render_as parameter for combined_header block.

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.

#27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.

Merging "st" and "c" prefixes. Theme selector.

1. Theme selector for catalog/advanced_view

2. Catalog is now derived from "Content" category as Proj-CMS

3. Search box for category permission editor

4. yellow/red folder (small/super small) icons moved to core (from proj-cms)

5. getFrame hang up fix in all getFrame copies

6. Fixed 2 popups from System Tools section

7. added QuickCategoryPermissionRebuild configuration variable

8. missing OnResetSorting event permission mapping added

9. kDBBase::PrepareFieldOptions is now called only once per field

10. usage of undefined configuration variable "UseFileCache" in "cache.php"

11. cache variable cms_menu is now deleted together with StructureTree (in adm:OnResetCMSMenuCache event)

12. Fixed spelling error on $add_collation variable in kPermCacheUpdater::initData method (bug by Dima)

13. "menu" type added for category lists (<inp2:c_InitList types="menu" except="menu"/>) for showing/excluding menu items from category lists

14. During theme file rebuild files from disabled theme are not added to ThemeFiles table

15. Templates with .des.tpl and .elm.tpl extensions are skipped on structure creation step; also ".svn" directory is skipped

16. New parameter "additional_blue_bar_render_as" for block "combined_header" allows to specify block to render at right corner of blue bar.

  1. … 35 more files in changeset.

set theme as default, when only one theme found

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
  • More
  • 8929
  • changed 4046 files

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'RC'.

  1. … 4045 more files in changeset.