
Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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1. Proj-base module discontinued. Some stuff moved to Core.

2. Temp handler now can check, that record is being edited by someone else based on given ids (not only based on ids from current user's temp tables)

3. Fixed problem, when adding new language and there are errors on form, then all data from form is lost.

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#27263 - Admin: Left Menu

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  1. … 17 more files in changeset.

1. check for non-existing tab (when prefix is given) added in catalog

2. now theme default2007, then theme default2009 will be preselected during install (when available)

3. added new constant DBG_IGNORE_FATAL_ERRORS, that should be used in methods, that define their own error handlers and don't want kApplication to interfear (like sending 500 HTTP Responce code on fatal errors).

4. new edit button design for template editor on Front-End.

5. new method CategoriesTagProcessor::_transformContentBlockData added for applying custom processing to st_ContentBlock tag

6. new tag st_EditingScripts with all admin javascript includes from admin added. In case, when it's now used all such javascript are still added in st_EditPage tag.

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  1. … 66 more files in changeset.

Added Required option for Custom Fields

1. missing phrases

2. unique index for Phrase table

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Fixed incorrect upgrades.sql by Dima

Fix for LogoBottom + Added LogoLogin field (image will be added separately).

colors for edit page, edit cms block buttons

#27228 - Admin: Save DESC from .TPL in Template Description in ThemeFiles

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

1. Show All/Show Structure links remembered last visited category.

2. Empty line between grid and toolbar in IE.

3. New replacement #section_label#, that will be replaced with label, from given section.

4. Unused old tab design styles removed from css file.

5. Completely rewrited "Loading ..." overlay logic during ajax requests in catalog and other ajax-related places.

6. search_keydown function fixed and don't raise php fatal error when enter is pressed in simple search input near search buttons in toolbar.

7. Categories tab removed from reviews section (was accidentally added during new catalog implementation).

8. Priority dropdown in categories list in admin is now filled with positive values.

9. Fixed proj-cms templates (because they will be moved to core later).

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Exclude DES.TPL from Templates Drop-down

Advanced Site Configs

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#26605 - Admin: Permissions in In-Edit

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

fixes related to "-" adding in main 3 module names

#27082 - Admin: Catalog Item Selector

1. problem during product coping with options prevented product without options (were deleted by user) beeing added to order (from admin).

2. original prefix, that opened catalog item selector was lost when moved to advanced view selector (from catalog selector).

#27120 - Front: Move in CVS module themes to have "in-" format

site config files renamed to match naming standarts

1. changed site config reader to allow such case, when you can defined only needed variables in site config, not all of them as empty arrays.

2. change log config was missing toolbar_buttons section for each title preset

1. export button added to visits list template copy, when in-commerce is installed

2. fixed grid name for export button on visits list

3. change log edit preset renamed in unit config too (Dima renamed only in template)

Added Export button

Minor change/fix in TitlePreset

1. Fixed problem width textarea automatic height detection during form resize.

2. JS getFrame function fixed to support pseudo-popups.

3. new JS maximizeElement function for maximizing element till bottom of the window.

4. new method for detecting temp mode for prefix/special: kApplication::IsTempMode

5. new m_SetParam tag. Input parameter format same as form m_Set tag.

6. new parameter "language_id" for kApplication::EmailEventAdmin/EmailEventUser $send_params parameter. Allows to specify language to get event translation from.

7. New errors, that allows user to detect why email event was not sent (empty event translation before/after parsing).

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  1. … 24 more files in changeset.

1. jQuery selector escaper fixed (now it escapes dots too).

2. getFrame was not able to find "head" frame when used from pseudo-popup (2nd subitem editing), that's why all 2nd level windows opened with default size no matter what adm_SetPopupSize tag told.

3. new catalog/advanced_view/item_selector tab style.

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1. export in new catalog fixed

2. openSelector fixed, now it really uses given url as form.action during submit

3. added ability to specify onAfterOpenPopup callback for open_popup function

4. new unit config option: PassPriority, used to sort prefixes in "env" variable in links

5. new tag abstract tag ModifyUnitConfig, used as addition to OnAfterConfigRead, but is called only when combined_header is used

6. fixed problem, when events from GET were not passed, when empty event names were presetnt in POST

7. SelectParam helper method changed, now it can be used as tag: selects 1st parameter, that has value from given parameter names

8. category sorting by priority is only applied in admin (now it's not forced) and in CachedMenu tag

9. tag c_HomeCategory added to return home category, because not it's Content (id > 0), not 0, as before.

10. fixed "SaveWarning" tag for categories. now it is displayed during category editing.

11. Virtual fields shown in grid are now skipped from search, when they doesn't have corresponding calculated fields

12. Missing email events (found in language pack, but not found in db) are now skipped without rising sql error.

13. new parameters perm_prefix and perm_event added to combined_header block. They as used during permission checking.

14. new parameter pagination_prefix added to combined_header block. It's used (when passed) as prefix for drawing upper pagination bar (usually in subitem lists).

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  1. … 167 more files in changeset.

Changed default value for "FilenameSpecialCharReplacement" to - (hyphen) from _ (underscore)

Js calendar always used lowercased am/pm and hours without leading zeros instead of requested. This resulted in invalid format every time, when date/time was selected using calendar.

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Connected our "internal" Multi-byte support library (used in Application) for cases when NO support on the Server

1. "Home" toolbar button in Catalog & in Catalog Item Selector now goes to Proj-CMS root category, not category with 0 id.

2. Fixed problem in new catalog selectors, where Categories tab was always visible in advanced view.

3. Theme selector added to catalog item selector too.

4. Path to primary category in advanced view was incorrect, because of ParentId field in Category table now has options formatter.

5. js function openSelector now also passes category

6. Firebug's console object is now also availible in iframes

7. proj-base/login.tpl now closes new-style opened pseudo-popups on session expiration

8. no_permission template in admin now also redirects to login template in case, when user is not logged in

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1. More upgrade scripts (move all categories from Home to Content, rename /in-edit/desings/general to /platform/designs/default_design.des for all categories)

2. CMS page load sql fixed to add theme filter (forgot to implement this, but described in specs)

3. Onlinestore category index and product detail template names replaced with new ones for all categories

4. Spelling error in template from include on my favorites template resulted in empty template (no favories were always shown)

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

1. page edit, content block edit now works, but gives strange error in IE, can't really detect why

2. Fixed modrewrite for category items and category pagination

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