Checkout Tools
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Fixes #0000042: Vertical scrollbar, when content block edit window is opened on Front-End


Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms (added flags for russian and english languages).


mantis auto-checking test - ok, cross-commit block test - ok, log message required test - ok.

testing mantis remote checkin

Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms


1. New "IconDisabledURL" added to Language table.

2. Tag "m_elseif" was incorrectly compiled to php.

3. Bug #0000080: Improvements to Multi-lingual text fields on Add/Edit forms.


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1. Fixes #0000093: Tag <inp2:c_Field ../> returns incorrect info.

2. Fixed in other way: now category is always returned, but when "page" or "-virtual" special is used, then cms page is returned.


Fixes #0000092: Missing top menu when JavaScript is disabled.


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When list of category items (links, articles, etc.) or categories is displayed in Front-End and parameter "parent_cat_id='0'" was used, then 0 is now replaced with "Content" category ID.

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1. Fixes #0000089: Session expiration doesn't happen in admin.

2. Width of overlay div shown during ajax requests is now also updated, when window is resized.

3. Function maximizeElement (javascript) now also updates maximized control size on window resize.

4. "Tools -> Query Database" section now uses correct class for column header (class was missing before this fix).

5. Fixed warning about missing 'login_template' parameter for m_RequireLogin tag (in kPermissionHelper::getPermissionTemplate method).


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Fixes #0000017: Session Expiration check for Ajax requests


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Bug #0000079: Improvements to Image uploads on Add / Edit Item


1. Fixes #0000079: Improvements to Image uploads on Add / Edit Item.

2. Added way to add any count of virtual fields associated with uploaded image.


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Fixes #0000037: Simplify code of kSearchHelper::getSearchClause method


Fixes #0000078: Make Custom Fields Searchable


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1. Fixes #0000083: Ability to enter sql queries and phrases as custom field options.

2. htmlspecialchars function (in javascript) wasn't applied on options added in MInput control (inp_edit_minput block).

3. Commented-out code removed from kModRewriteHelper class, because was proven, that code if uncommented doesn't provide any upgrade to current url parsing functionality. In other words - all works without it in all cases.


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1. Fixes #0000084: Duplicate records in SearchConfig table for custom fields.

2. When custom field was created, then in related record in SearchConfig table in SimpleSearch column was always 1 (means can use in simple search). Value for this column should be 0, when "simple search checkbox" is not visible in "Search Settings" section.


1. Fixes #0000070: FCKEditor integration fixes

2. Optimized "inp_fckconfig.js" - it now only contains changed lines, not a copy of "fckconfig.js" as before.

3. FCKEditor upgraded from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4


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  1. … 129 more files in changeset.

Bug #0000069: Issues with "MoreLink" tag and "Data_Exists" param


Fixes #0000067: Last visited section lost, when language is changed


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1. Fixes #0000060: Folder ".svn" is added as new theme, but it should not.

2. Skip ".svn" from FCK file browser.


1. Fixes #0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken.

2. Section and item detail templates were present in links on page, even if they could be automatically determined by category fields.


1. Fixes #0000062: Remove depricated mod-rewrite parts

2. When default category item template is used (in category properties) and we are on this template on front-end, then all links to this template still contain it's name (in mod-rewrite mode only). In such case template name should be omitted from resulting url.

3. Fixed warning message in "kCategoryHelper::getCategoryModule". Message was shown, because array_intersect function was used inside array_shift function directly (temporary variable was not used).


Fixes #0000036: Duplicate category shown at the bottom in tree frame.

Problem was in exact place I've supposed. It was related to concurrent attempts of reloading contents of same tree folder.


inportalBase variable should not be defined locally, because this overrides it's globally set value and result as missing loading image.


Minor fix (debug removed)


Fixes #0000053: Mod-rewrite partially broken



Updated to JQuery v1.3.2

Theme id was not set, when attempt was made to show 404 page when incorrect url was used and mod-rewrite was on.

Fixes #0000041: User IP in UserSession table have value "" sometimes.

Problem happened, because extra fields (like IP address) were stored in Session object, and not in database. In "Session::SaveData" method additional fields were assumed as "non-changed" and were not written to database at all.


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