Checkout Tools
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1. Fixes #0000208: Move "Time-zones" and "Session Expiration" settings to Website->General.

2. Don't try to send missing file in "kDBEventHandler::OnViewFile" event.


  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000169: Template markup error message in Internet Explorer 8


1. Fixes #0000189: Changes in Options for "Section Template" field for Sections.

2. Implemented not exactly the way as planned, because administrator can change "Parent Section" from "Content" (top category, where "Inherit from Parent" option in "Template" field not available) to it's child section, where this option should be available. As a result I always show "Inherit from Parent" option, but when administrator manually selects "Inherit from Parent" in "Template" field and "Content" in "Parent Section" field and tries to save changes, I show him an error about that.


  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000209: Escape and Limit all Environment variables passed in GET.

2. We already escape anything, that goes from request to database queries to prevent sql injections.

3. Add check for "../" (prevents going outside In-Portal directory) and for whitespace like symbols (makes sure, that ".tpl" is always added at the end of template name) in template names.


Fixes #0000188: Find and remove all places where reffered to "/kernel" folder


    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 9 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000180: Add "Security Check" Step to Installation process.

2. Iframe in thickbox windows was 1px lower, then window as the result vertical scrollbar was overlapping with bottom border of window.

3. Bug #0000073: In-Portal CMS No Color in Header (missed SQL data for skins).

4. ADMIN_DIRECTORY constant converted from safeDefine to define.



  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000140: Precautions when processing "SectionAdjustments" unit config option.

2. Fixed 2 warnings during section cache rebuild (related to processing of parent section of "in-portal:root" section).


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes #0000164: Problems when giving ids directly "kDBEventHandler::StoreSelectedIDs" method (using second parameter)


1. Fixes #0000171: Automatic Images Folder Cleaning.

2. Errors about array accessing problems from glob function during config cache rebuild.

3. Ability to add agents disabled by default.


  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000174: Tag PredefinedSearchOptions should use GetList instead of GetObject


Fixes #0000027: Email validation during user registration


  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')

  1. … 1928 more files in changeset.