Checkout Tools
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1. Fixes #0000189: Changes in Options for "Section Template" field for Sections.

2. Implemented not exactly the way as planned, because administrator can change "Parent Section" from "Content" (top category, where "Inherit from Parent" option in "Template" field not available) to it's child section, where this option should be available. As a result I always show "Inherit from Parent" option, but when administrator manually selects "Inherit from Parent" in "Template" field and "Content" in "Parent Section" field and tries to save changes, I show him an error about that.


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  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000202: Cosmetic and Minor issues in Admin Interface.

2. Don't understand about font family change:

if "Path to Website" is variable name and "[10.01] Site_Path" is subtitle, then both (according to FireBug) are using same font. Besides that subtitle is visible only in debug mode.



  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

Bug #0000194: Minor changes Site Configs for Projects setup

1. Minor visual changes in the drop-down options for "Section Template" field on Add/Edit Section.

2. Hiding Stylesheets section completely until we figure out what to do with it.


Fixes #0000161: Problems in case, when E-Mail is not required during user registration.

Making Email field REQUIRED


Fixes #0000191: Temporarily Hide "Spelling Dictionary" section in Admin


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Fixes #0000188: Find and remove all places where reffered to "/kernel" folder


  1. … 9 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000101: Preventing Category "Copy/Paste" from Recursion.

2. Fixed warning in "EmailEventsEventsHandler::_getSendLanguage" method.


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1. Fixes #0000140: Precautions when processing "SectionAdjustments" unit config option.

2. Fixed 2 warnings during section cache rebuild (related to processing of parent section of "in-portal:root" section).


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1. Bug #0000176: Phrase "la_ImageFiles" used in Flash Uploader is not translated.

2. It appears, that phrase was never translated (missing in language pack).


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  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. Fixes #0000171: Automatic Images Folder Cleaning.

2. Errors about array accessing problems from glob function during config cache rebuild.

3. Ability to add agents disabled by default.


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  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0000027: Email validation during user registration


  1. … 6 more files in changeset.

Incorrect upload field definition in "FileHelper::createUploadFields" method.

Bug #0000155: Can't modify/reply topic, always got redirected to topic details page


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Releasing version 'branches/5.0.x' (copy from 'branches/RC')

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  1. … 1928 more files in changeset.