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Fixes INP-1446 - Ignore draft page revisions, when content revision control is turned off

Differential Revision:

Fixes INP-1449 - Recalculate priorities, when new item is added

Differential Revision:

Fixes INP-1389 - The hardcoded empty option in "CountryStatesHelper::PopulateStates"

Differential Revision:

Fixes INP-1399 - Use relative paths during hash calculations

Differential Revision:

Fixes INP-1393 - Add description about "Except" header usage

Differential Revision:

Fixes INP-1388 - Make CKEditor stylesheet within theme editable

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1349 - Links in Breadcrumbs have incorrect urls, when using 'shift' parameter

1. commit on behalf of Vova

Fixes INP-1370 - CountryStatesHelper::PopulateStates and virtual fields

1. commit on behalf of Erik

Fixes INP-1371 - kCurlHelper::SetRequestMethod always throws exception

1. commit on behalf of Erik

Fixes INP-1362 - Put SQL queries from kCountryStatesHelper into Memcache

1. fixes error created in previous patch for this task

Fixes INP-1362 - Put SQL queries from kCountryStatesHelper into Memcache

Fixes INP-1357 - Change way how category item event is preserved in url

Fixes INP-1352 - Compatibility issues with PHP 5.2

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1350 - Add the "kUtil::unescape" method

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1346 - Unable to get to homepage after logout

Fixes INP-1345 - Capture any SQL errors during deployment process

Fixes INP-1343 - Move "getRequestProtectedFields" method to "kDBItem" class

  1. … 16 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1335 - Method "FormSubmissionHelper::getFieldByName" always return false

Fixes INP-1334 - User object not available right after login (resurrection)

Fixes INP-1332 - Handle self-redirect in FormManager

Fixes INP-1329 - Replace home-made "fputcsv" function with built-in one

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes INP-1305 - Respect redirection limit during curl requests

Fixes INP-1284 - Make category item rewrite listener state-less

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes INP-1278 - Use ENT_QUOTES with 'htmlspecialchars'

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1279 - Revert INP-1229 task

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes INP-1272 - FileManager::CheckFolder infinite loop with trailing directory separator

Fixes INP-1266 - Option 'default' is ignored during image resize

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes INP-1265 - Partial image format matching

Fixes INP-1261 - Deleting last category in Catalog causes 2 notices

Fixes INP-1258 - Incorrect url after logout with 'next_template' parameter