Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Fixes INP-1359 - Category item not loaded during temp table copy

Fixes INP-1358 - Infinite cache reset when "c" used in caching key

Fixes INP-1357 - Change way how category item event is preserved in url

    • -0
    • +5

Fixes INP-1356 - Remember changed fields after exiting kDBItem::Update

Fixes INP-1355 - Error when SQL has multi-line JOIN clause

Fixes INP-1354 - Auto-generate template name during e-mail sending

Fixes INP-1353 - Unable to export anything from catalog

Fixes INP-1352 - Compatibility issues with PHP 5.2

Fixes INP-1351 - Don't change user sorting on search result page

Fixes INP-1350 - Add the "kUtil::unescape" method

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
    • -4
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1

Fixes INP-1347 - Unable to crop user avatar

    • -1
    • +1

Fixes INP-1291 - Change "getRequestProtectedFields" to "getRequestAccessibleFields"

1. inability to self-activate user using link from e-mail

Fixes INP-1346 - Unable to get to homepage after logout

Fixes INP-1345 - Capture any SQL errors during deployment process

    • -31
    • +39

Fixes INP-1344 - The ".tmp" extension isn't removed from uploaded files

Fixes INP-1343 - Move "getRequestProtectedFields" method to "kDBItem" class

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +4
    • -34
    • +19

Fixes INP-1342 - Allow "Forms" usage during user editing

Fixes INP-1338 - Don't use translation links for phrases, that are used by sprintf

Fixes INP-1337 - Allow missing phrase translation via AJAX

    • -2
    • +32

Fixes INP-1336 - Always expand calculated fields in COUNT queries

Fixes INP-1335 - Method "FormSubmissionHelper::getFieldByName" always return false

    • -1
    • +3

Fixes INP-1334 - User object not available right after login (resurrection)

Fixes INP-1333 - Don't perform self-redirect from u:OnLoginAjax event

Fixes INP-1332 - Handle self-redirect in FormManager

Fixes INP-1330 - Deletion of uploaded files now always succeeds

Fixes INP-1329 - Replace home-made "fputcsv" function with built-in one

Fixes INP-1311 - Incorrect links in pagination bar

Fixes INP-1305 - Respect redirection limit during curl requests

Bug INP-1297 - JavaScript error on toolbar button phrase translation

Fixes INP-1297 - JavaScript error on toolbar button phrase translation

    • -1
    • +2