
Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
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Constraints: dates

Bug #0001024: Phrase type detection based on it's name

1. fixes phrase type of "la_PhraseType_Both" phrase & phrase name of "lc_Text_Valid" phrase


Bug #0001131: Useful Product Review

1. adds missing phrases on review editing page in Admin Console


Fixes #0001129: Report Review


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  1. ./5.2.x/core/admin_templates/spam_reports

Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. created a separate DeleteSectionCache method for "sections_parsed" cache delete, so it no longer is secretly invoked only along with "configs_parsed" cache delete

2. added some explanatory comments to kApplication::Init method

3. unit config cache ("configs_parsed" variable) that was deleted on any configuration variable change, but now it is only deleted when this configuration variable's value is located in "configs_parsed" cache

4. objects of rewrite listeners are now created in separate kRewriteUrlProcessor::rewriteListeners class variable, so it no longer can be accidentally overwritten during unit config cache building process

5. fixed case, when rewrite listener instances could be associated with incorrent unit config prefixes (PHP5 object assignment problem)

6. mod-rewrite url is now successfully processed (using only build-in rewrite listeners) when unit config cache is missing (or needs to be rebuilt) and user is visiting mod-rewrite url

7. "conf_changed" global variable (accessible via GetVar) now contains names of all changes configuration variables


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Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. "inp2" namespace was missing for In-Portal tags, left inside HTML comments in a TPL files


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. fixed "Division by Zero" notice, when no reviews for a product


Bug #0001132: Prev / Next Product Links

1. fixing 404 page was displayed when no prev/next link for non-product category item

2. unable to do prev/next for list that has HAVING filter

3. %1$s not replaced for sub-select queries inside custom fields


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Bug #0001131: Useful Product Review

1. change useful/not useful count via ajax


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. changing rating control, so it can be used with any prefix and also for printing read-only ratings not associated with any object

2. adding VotesIndicator tag to review tag processor allowing to show stars instead of just a number during review list printing


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Fixes #0001170: Anti-Spam protection check fails first time


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Fixes #0001169: Issue with DBConnection during a Separate Install of Modules

Commit on behalf of Dmitry


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. ability to display price decimals using separate HTML tag

2. mod rewrite builder for review list

3. display firstname and lastname instead of reviewed login

4. support for ajax-based review creation via same rev:OnCreate event


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. refresh page after login/register

2. integration of login box in header


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Fixes #0001165: Doing separate module install doesn't insert language pack


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. return other field validation errors when validation single field (on blur)


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Bug #0001024: Phrase type detection based on it's name

1. fixes mistakenly renamed "la_PhraseType_Both" phrase


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Bug #0001138: General Template Work

1. added php files for ajax-based real-time form field validation


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Fixes #0001164: Adding "empty_label" parameter to PredefinedOptions tag


Fixes #0001163: Debugger report is affected by "reset.css" stylesheet


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Fixes #0001162: Ability to specify module in theme.xml file


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Fixes #0001161: Resizing GIF images with white background gives "Color index 255 out of range" error


Fixes #0001159: Language and Theme Links don't work without Template


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Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. adding missing license/FULL_PATH constant checks (against direct PHP file opening from web-browser)


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  1. … 8 more files in changeset.

Fixes #0001024: Phrase type detection based on it's name


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Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. entering date in grid filter in a wrong format resulted fatal error


Fixes #0001151: Caching Issue with 404 Page Not Found URLs


Bug #0000398: Partially move kCatDBItem and CreategoryItem class contents to OnBefore/OnAfter events

1. fixing problem with ResourceId field not being reset before category/category item is cloned


Bug #0000268: Code Cleanup in 5.2.x branch

1. store UserGroups to session in case, when it's saved to database just after creation (when using "Browse Mode")


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Fixes #0001158: Menu frame resize causes too much ajax requests


Bug #0000493: Redirect template (kEvent::redirect attribute) has no effect, when popups are used

Fixes that event (that requests popup close):

1. being called twice (should be called once)

2. passed all units to opener stack (should pass none)


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