Checkout Tools
  • last updated a few seconds ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates

Fixes INP-1242 - Restoring line number support in Debugger

    • -18
    • +0

Fixes INP-1241 - Undo critical changes made in INP-33 task

    • -209
    • +130
    • -81
    • +38
    • -59
    • +37
    • -4
    • +9

Fixes INP-1239 - Minor improvements to deployment script

    • -6
    • +32
    • -20
    • +27

Fixes INP-1238 - Non-existing list pages result in first page shown instead of 404

Fixes INP-1237 - Trailing separators not removed from toolbar

Fixes INP-1235 - Incorrect date processing on PHP 5.2 and smaller

Fixes INP-1231 - Add support for Microsoft Office 2007+ files

    • -2
    • +20

Fixes INP-1206 - Focusing on date/time field doesn't show an error

    • -53
    • +101
    • -32
    • +32

Fixes INP-1230 - "_Auto: " page is created for every page

Fixes INP-1233 - Redirect loop on "No Permission" page

Fixes INP-1229 - Section aware template

    • -10
    • +26

Fixes INP-1232 - Custom rewrite listener unable to produce 404 page

Fixes INP-1219 - Problems with /tools/run_event.php script

    • -15
    • +13
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.

Fixes INP-1209 - Label "LA_FLD_EVENT" removed by accident

Fixes INP-1207 - Site domain cache not cleared on site domain deletion

    • -0
    • +14

Fixes INP-1211 - First form validation error not shown in "Same Window" mode

Fixes INP-1212 - Custom field Option ID is displayed instead of Option Title

Fixes INP-1213 - Editing site domain while on site domain results in SQL error

Fixes INP-1217 - IP address detected incorrectly from CLI

    • -1
    • +1

Fixes INP-1220 - Incorrectly encoded symbols in LibChart library

    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 7 more files in changeset.

Fixes INP-1221 - Fatal error during error stack trace processing

Fixes INP-1222 - Usage of undefined "SubmissionReplyFromEmail" system setting

    • -0
    • +23

Fixes INP-1225 - Misc improvements to AjaxFormHelper::transitEvent method

    • -1
    • +10

Fixes INP-1226 - SQL error on user editing

Fixes INP-1227 - Notice in debugger during stack trace printing

Bug INP-1197: Automate language pack export for deployment script

Fixes INP-1202: All editing windows are opened in same size

    • -0
    • +1

Fixes #0001448: User object not available right after login


Fixes #0001446: Unable to upload CSV file on Grid import page


    • -0
    • +1

Fixes #0001445: Automate language pack export for deployment script


    • -1
    • +52
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.